Does he remember?

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Joeys POV

'Was it really him?' I think to myself
'It can't be'

I walk in the door to the band room and over to the boy I haven't seen since 4th grade.

"Wyatt?" I ask unsure

"Oh my god, joey?" He says. Wow his voice was perfect.

"That's me" I say smiling.

"I haven't seen you since like-"

"4th grade" I finish his thought.

"Yeah, exactly, well it's good to see you."

"You too, and love the shirt by the way." He blushes and looks down at his white Blink-182 shirt.

"Thanks" he says. And with that he walks away and Allison runs over to me drowning me in questions.

"Who was that? He's cute. And he likes blink? You guys are soul mates."

"Woah, Allison, calm the fuck down he's just a guy I used to know." (A/n NOW YOURE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOOOWWWWW......... Sorry I had to)

"Just some guy?" She asks unsure.

"Yes, just wyatt." I reply. I guess band was going to be even better than expected.


After band my schedule goes
Survey of music
Stage band
Marine bio

It was 2:15 school ends at 2:30. And geometry will be the Death of me. So far my teacher already gave us 36 problems for homework. God why can't this day end.

At 2:28 I was about ready to rip my teachers head off. We don't care what your dogs hair looks like I'm the sunlight, or how his tongue sticks out when he farts.

I was in the middle of writing out all the lyrics to 'I miss you' when the bell saved me from my thoughts. I ran out of the school to my bus as fast as I could, seat 11. 11 was my number for everything, any sports team I'm on I'm number11, ask me a question I don't know the answer to I'll say 11. I don't know why I just really like that number. But when I got on the bus someone was in seat 11, that someone's name was Wyatt.

"Hey Joey, I know this is your seat but I just wanted to ask you something." He said

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"You still remember where I live?" I nodded, how could I forget I used to spend everyday over there in the summer.
"Cool, come over tonight"

"Alright see you at 6" I replied, trying not to sound as excited as I was. He nodded and walked to the back of the bus.

(A/n I know it's short sorry. Also included is a picture of Wyatt yea he's a real person and we're really good friends.... That's all I'm going to say because this story is based on all day shit and yeah cool)

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