Greek tragedy

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I didn’t think I’d ever see you again

but you are here today
the lines of your face are 
softer than I remember

Its been a year and time
has softened the edge of
our bodies, you hold my arm
still, you hold me in place as 
the earth shatters beneath 
our feet. The real tragedy of
our lives is that we ever met
each other, but what of it,
the stars that wrote our stories will
still shine as bright even after
the universe explodes.

You still have the skull tattoo
but I don’t remember the sound of
your voice, you don’t laugh as 
much anymore and you have 
started to fear god.

You kiss like the lesser ones
like the greek gods, you are 
a god to me, my own Poseidon.
You are my sun, in some past life
I must have been on my 
knees by the river praying to you
in simple faith, at sunset
like a new-age Nefertiti, we
could a create a new desert
together, on the edge of the world
just you and I.

I will still be on my knees 
for you. My own Midas,
you are the most beautiful
thing my hands have touched.

Evening falls on this edge of
the world and blurs the city lines.
You ask me if my eyesight is still 
as bad. I cannot see you, my Medusa,
my fingers turn to stone when you
look at me like that.

You tell me to be careful.
I have lost your number again
but still I pray to you every night
even though I never learnt
to fear god myself.

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