Chapter 1

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You and your two best friends decided to meet up to relax after class. College was tough, especially more so since you were so close to graduating. "You two have been giggling all day. I know it's for a good reason" you said to them both, suspecting they were up to something. Yui, your friend from Japan, looked especially excited. Samantha managed to keep her cool. "Since your birthday is over summer break, Sam and I decided to get something special a little early.You're going to love it" Yui told you, while the three of you met up at her place. You wonder what it could be, you had no clue. Gackt related maybe? "Close your eyes and hold out your hands for a minute" Sam requested. You did as she asked. You could hear Yui's footsteps as she came back and placed something light in your hands. It was thin like paper, but it wasn't money. You had no clue what else it could be besides that or a receipt for something. Samantha gave you permission to open your eyes. You did. In your hands looked like something resembling tickets. But to what? You took a closer look, your eyes widening as to what they were for. "Are you f*cking serious!? Tickets to go see Gackt's new movie premiere!!" you exclaimed in excitement. "That's right! We're all going to go to see the movie together. And with special VIP passes to go to the Q and A before the movie too", Yui celebrated with you. The three of you huddled together and screamed like the bunch of Gackt fan girls you were. So much for acting like college adults. You suddenly stopped at a sudden realization, "Wait a minute. Wouldn't we have to fly all the way to Tokyo?" you asked. Not like they would show the movie all the way out here in the U.S. "It's right after the semester ends, during summer break. I was going to go to Japan to visit some family, so I was thinking of inviting my two best friends to come along.The Gackt premiere was just an added bonus" explained Yui. "Regardless, tickets like these are a lot of yen along with the flight to Japan '' you told her, wondering how she even got these once in a lifetime tickets. "I do have friends in Japan with connections you know" she answered. You weren't gonna complain how things worked out to be but there must be a God for this to happen. It was almost a dream come true. You couldn't wait til next week. A few weeks in Japan was going to be heaven.

Yui planned every little detail of the trip in advance, where we were going to stay and what sights we were going to see. You and Samantha had taken Japanese classes together before meeting Yui. With her help, the two of you improved immensely. Though there was still much to learn and being in Japan would be a totally different experience. You were confident you could communicate with the natives easily.

When you went to bed that night, you couldn't help but think of a lot of things. What it was like to finally be in Japan. And most of all, thinking of Gackt. It was Yui who introduced you and Sam to his music, the three of you have been fans ever since. Though you were the one who was the biggest fan. What's not to like about him? His flawless looks and voice like an angel. You couldn't wait to see him in person. Every second was going to be amazing. The best summer vacation ever. Now, you just need to push yourself through the rest of the semester.

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