Part 18

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I woke up to silence throughout the entire apartment. And I mean silence. There was no noise down in the streets even and that scared me. I got up and quickly put on my day clothes and brushed my hair and teeth because I didn't know if Sam and Dean were still here from the previous night.

I walked out of my room and was a little disappointed to see that the room was completely empty. I couldn't help but notice a note sitting on my table, which I know it wasn't from me because I can't help but keep my apartment almost spotless.

I headed over to the note and picked it up to see what it said.

Sorry to leave so soon but Sam was complaining about how he has classes today at college and he didn't want to miss them. Hope to see you soon.
P.S. Sam is a little jealous of the phone number on the notebook beside the note because of his massive crush on you but he didn't want me to tell you that.
- Sam and Dean

Oh yeah I keep forgetting college classes are a thing because for some reason, I've had a little break because I don't have any until the day after tomorrow.

Also, phone number? What phone number? I put the note back on the table and my eyes glided over to the opened notebook sitting right beside the note. It feel on the phone number that was sitting on the edge of of the paper with the name Castiel sitting right above it.

Oh no I completely forgot to text Cassie! And poor Sam probably thinks I got the phone number of some guy and I'm not interested in him anymore, but little did he know that Cassie is my brother and that's gross.

I walked over to my couch where my phone was sitting. I should really stop leaving my phone in places where it's not getting charged, but it's at a decent charge so it's okay.

Walking back to the table, I typed the phone number and sent a quick text.

"Hey Cassie! It's me, Gabe. Sorry I didn't text you sooner, I got very busy really fast."

It wasn't more than 2 minutes later when I got a reply.

"Hello Gabriel. That is okay, life happens. In fact, I have a surprise for you."

I raised an eyebrow at that response when as if on cue, there was a rather impatient knock on my door.

As I approached the door, I could hear giggling and murmurs followed by rather loud shushing. From what I could tell, there was more than 3 people outside.

I looked through the peep hole and nearly had a heart attack. I swung the door open with such force I thought it was going to fall off it's hinges.

"Hello Gabriel. I hope you don't mind, but I did say I was hoping to get everyone back together."

Before me stood my family. And not just my old household, it was everyone. At least almost everyone because I couldn't see anyone else past my siblings because I'm so short, but I could still tell there were people in the back.

It was my brothers Cassie, Luci, Mike, Balth, Alfie, with my sister Anna.

They all had huge smiles on their faces and I could feel the tears starting to fill up my eyes.

The last time I saw most of these people, they hated me for something that I couldn't control. I haven't seen them in 6 years and now they're here, standing right in front of me with smiles on their faces like they're happy to see me. This can't be real.

Without a word, Luci stepped up towards me and looked at me for a second, as if he was studying every feature. He then pulled me into a very tight hug and whispered into my ear.

"I missed you baby bro."

The tears finally escaped my eyes and started to roll down my cheeks. Then the others started to join in one by one to form a group hug. Next was Alfie, then Mike, Anna, Balth, and finally Cassie.

This is so surreal, this can't be happening.

After tears were shed from all of us, I was shocked to see someone still standing in the door way.

Aunt Amara?

She stepped forward and then cupped my face in her hands.

"Oh sweetheart, look how much you've grown! Well it's not that much, but still! It's been too long!"

I gave her a big smile. I haven't seen her the longest, as we didn't get to see her that often anyway.

I was about to finally say something but I got interrupted from a male voice from my doorway.

"Hello son."


I stepped past Amara to see my dad standing in the doorway.

I was in shock, no way. I can understand everyone else showing up, but dad? I'm definitely dreaming at this point.

He walked in toward me and put a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly his small smile dropped and he looked almost sad. He glanced around at the room and the others who were oddly standing there quietly and looking around at each other. They all had the same sad face as dad.

This isn't right, they were never that quiet when all of us were in the same house, let alone the same room. This definitely doesn't feel right.

My dad got my attention and the cleared his throat as if he was going to say a speech, which he did.

"Son, Gabriel, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for kicking you out of this family, especially at the age that you were at. I clearly wasn't thinking and I was so close minded and scared of change, I took my anger out on you. You trusted me and then I shattered that trust and now I'll most likely never get that back. You needed me the most at that time and I just pushed you away like I didn't care. The thing is, I do care and thinking back, I don't know why I did those things that I did. It was so wrong of me and I just feel terrible. I'm so terribly sorry, and you will forever be my son. Could you ever possibly consider forgiving me?"

I couldn't help but let the tears fall down my face, as I couldn't stop them. The last interaction I had with him started to play through my mind.

"Dad! Please don't do this! I need you! I have nowhere to go!"

"You are not my son."

I shook my head slightly as I looked you at him in the eyes as I prepared my answer.
Wow it's almost been a month since I've posted and I'm sorry about that. I'll try harder to be more active.

Word count: 1155

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