Part 8

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He gave me a soft smile and smiled then hugged me tightly. Then, he started whispering in my ear.

"I hope I get to see you very very soon."

He let go of me and I signed him a me too. He put his hand on my face again and I didn't realize how cold and dark it got until I felt the warmth of his hand. I melted into the touch immediately but he jerked his hand away from the sudden cold.

"You're freezing! Oh this will not do."

He quickly took off his light brown scarf and wrapped it around my face. It wasn't as warm as his hand but it was still very warm from being on him. He smiled again and then he started walking quickly to the entrance of the park with his giant legs. When he got there, he turned around and gave me an awkward wave. I waved back at him. I hope this man stays in my life forever.

He turned the corner and started slightly jogging forwards the nearby hospital. I watched the general direction he went in for a minute or two because I'm sad to see him go, but when family calls, family calls right?

I was about to walk forwards the park entrance but I saw something sitting on the park bench. I walked up to it and realized that it was Sam's bag. He must've set it down when I wasn't looking and forgotten it here. I grabbed and put it over the shoulder that wasn't holding my bag.

Wow it smells just like him, or maybe that's the scarf I'm smelling. I hope that smell never goes away. I decided to send Sam a text.

"Hey Moose, you left you bag on the bench in the park so I'll take home with me for tonight. Do you have classes tomorrow? I can bring it then."

I actually don't have classes tomorrow but if that means that I can see him, I'll definitely show. I started heading out of the park entrance and I turned the other corner to my apartment. I heard my phone chime and I pulled it out of my pocket to see a text from Samsquach.

"Oh shoot. Thanks for grabbing it for me. Yes I do have classes tomorrow and I would really appreciate if you brought it to me. Only please don't mess with my things haha :)" I chuckled at that last part and started a reply.

"Okie dokie! No promises though on messing with it ;)"

I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket and headed out of the park. I started walking towards my apartment with my mind swarming. Even though I don't have classes tomorrow, but for some strange reason, if I get to see him then I'm more than happy with going out. And that's extremely strange because I hate going out more than I need to. This man, why does he have such an impact on me? Don't get me wrong, I'm trilled with the fact that I'm getting out of my comfort zone but I'd prefer to not depend on someone for it. If I want to come out of my comfort zone, I want it to be on my own and I don't want to depend on someone who I only hope stays in my life.

I flicked my eyes up to see that I've already reached my apartment. I should really stop doing that and actually pay attention to where I'm heading. I walk up the steps to the apartment door and open it with ease. I started to head up the narrow staircase to my apartment. Once I reached it and carefully put Sam's bag down on the table and the scarf he learnt me on the rack,  I carelessly tossed my bag on the ground and my jacket on the rack as well. I took one step forward and immediately started to feel dizzy. My room started swaying and my eyes were getting droopy. I quickly lost my balance, twisting my ankle and causing me to fall over, landing on my knee so I was kneeling and had one hand on the ground to hold me up. I groaned as the pain was searing through my ankle and up my leg. Before I knew it it started getting harder to breathe and I found myself wheezing. Next think I know I'm completely on the ground unconscious.

I woke up with a start and my phone buzzing quite a lot. I picked it up and didn't bother to read the messages and even see who they were from. I saw the time and my heart skipped a beat when I saw that I only had 15 minutes to get Sam his bag. I jumped up and grabbed Sam's bag and rushed out the door without even bothering to put on a jacket. I took off sprinting towards the school after I got out of my apartment. I completely disregarded the fact the the pain in my ankle was getting worse with every single step, because right now, the only thing that matters to me is Sam.

I managed to make it to the school with 7 minutes to spare. I quickly rounded the corner to see Sam packing back and forth at the front of the school. The look on his face was one of concern, most likely for his bag that he needs. His head snapped up torwards me, probably because he heard footsteps rapidly approaching him. I slowed down to a limp and I didn't even realize how out of breath I was. Man I'm really out of shape. Sam's face softened to a look of relief and started jogging up to me. When he reached me, he pulled me into a tight hug. So tight, it was restricting my already shaky breathing.

"I'm so happy you're okay! You really had me worried. When you didn't answer your phone I thought-," he squeezed me tighter, "I didn't know what to think."

I started to slightly hit him on the arm as to signal that I couldn't breathe and for him to let go.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to strangle you." I smiled at him and started signing.

"No no, it's okay. I'm the one that should be apologizing. I'm sorry I worried you. I was kinda-," I shifted off of my bad ankle and looked away. Sam looked down at my ankle.

"Gabe, what happened to your ankle?"

Gah how do I explain this? I looked at my watch that I just turned on and he only has a few minutes left to get to class. There's no time to explain. I looked back at him and I saw that he hasn't broken eye contact as he patiently waited for an answer.

"There's no time to explain. I'm sorry. How about this, I'll be at the entrance of the school when classes end and I'll explain everything to you. I won't leave anything out. Does that sound good to you?"

He stood there for a moment and thought about it, then he gave me a sad smile. I held out my hand holding his bag and he took it from me. He then started walking up the school steps.

"Yeah that's sounds alright," he waved at me, "see you after class."

He turned away and headed into the school building. I couldn't get his hurt expression out of my head. He deserved an explanation right then and there but time wouldn't allow it. I don't want him to think I was ignoring him, or that I found him annoying or something like that. I couldn't bare the thought of him being upset because of me, and my anxiety is so much stronger with making him happy.
Okay so this one is a little bit shorter than the others but I still hope you guys will like it nonetheless. Leave a comment and vote if you want!

Word count: 1340

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