im a mess without you.

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I woke up I was in my own bed alone I don't know wether its real or a dream but I get out of bed get changed then walk down stairs I walk into the kitchen to see angie singing whilst making tea I go up behind her and just hug her but I think I scared her because she jumped.

- ahh german dont do that scared me and now I tiped the tea on my top-she said as sh tried do dry her top with a tea towel.but I just started at her smiling.  I think she noticed though because then she looked up at me.

- what are you smiling about-she said with her adorable smile.  I didn't reply and just hugged her tightly.

- german  I can't breath-she laughed as I let go of her.

- oh angie I love you so so so so much.

- I love you to moron-she said then quickly ran away I ran after her knowing exactly where she was going to hide , whilst she ran the long way around I took the shorter way and beet her to her hiding place wich was in my wardrobe I  turned all the lights out then went into the wardrobe,

Then I heared the door open then I seen her come in here but she didn't see me .

- boo-I said.

- ahhhhh-she screamed as she jumped out of the wardrobe then I stepped out laughing.

- german its not funny that was mean-she said looking mad at me.

Oh im glad she's here with me I never ever ever ever ever ever want to lose her I love er with all my heart.

Then I walked upto her then picked her up then threw her on the bed and kissed her.

And im positive that this was real and everything that happened before was a nightmare and im glad none of it was true.

Im so happy that she hasn't gone and that she's in my arms right now.

-angie I love you so much I cant live without you, believe in me ,im a mess without you literally  I need you in my life now and for the rest of my life -I said then just kissed her again.

germangie -angie I need you! xWhere stories live. Discover now