thought i lost her

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She was lying on the floor.

- angie......Angie- I said then ran to her I knelt down by her and picked up her head she was so pale and cold I thought I had lost her I burst into tears just holding her in my arms when I hear a very weak voice.

-whats the matter -she said in a very weak and shaky voice.

-oh angie I thought you had gone please never do that again,  oh angie my precious little angie.

-ok -she said as she tried to move

-im taking you to the hospital now-I said then picked her up 

-no please you said I could have two days german, please.

-but angie-she cut me of

-no buts you promised-she said with a shaky voice.

-fine but if your not better tomorrow im taking you, ok


-good.... im going to put you on the settee so I can keep an eye on you.-I said as I walked out of the kitchen then placed her on the settee and put the blanket over her then kissed her forehead and sat opposite just watching her.

germangie -angie I need you! xWhere stories live. Discover now