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"I will be waiting for you" She said hugging me I felt her tears on my shirt, I hugged her with equal amount of love, I never ever wanted to let her go, she broke the hug and I could see her tears filled brown eyes.

"Ahh......." I gasped as I woke up with a jerk.

"Aryan ......" I heard her voice, I looked around I was in a hospital.....I noticed the same set of eyes staring at me.

"Anaya.....Anaya......." I called out for her like she was my lifeline.

"She left"

"What the hell do you mean she left?"

"Anaya....Anaya.....Anaya....." I kept calling after a while when I didn't get a response devastated I gave up.

"She left Aryan, she isn't coming back"

"She left because of you" I said without looking at her.

"That's exactly what I wanted to do" She said.

I turned to look at her but my vision was blurred with tears.

Strangers 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now