Dream Boy

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"Angel" he called to me. I stood in the center of a large ballroom. The wooden floors gleamed with polish and beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Surrounding the room were marble pillars acting as a barrier between the soft light and the shadows. The ballroom was empty except for me. I looked down at myself , running my hands over the smooth silk of my dress. At first I had been shocked, appearing in this beautiful room wearing beautiful clothes, but I had gotten almost used to it over the years.

Today my dress was deep emerald, I could imagine how it would bring out the green in my eyes. It cascaded from one shoulder to the floor where it pooled around me. It was the type of dress to be worn with killer heels, but as always I was barefoot. Hesitantly I reached up to touch the loose curl resting against my cheek. The rest of my brown hair was elegantly pinned up littered with bobby pins and jewels. It was always the same.

"Don't pout Angel, if it were up to you you would be in leggings and a sweatshirt." He chuckled out
behind me. I froze, then cursed internally. No matter how many times this happened he always startled me. I turned slowly and, like always, was stunned by his appearance.

He wore a gorgeous black suit, his collar crisp underneath and his shoes shining. He had a lean muscular physique, and god, his face! He had a strong jawline with no hint of stubble. His eyes were steely grey framed with thick lashes. His hair was cut short but even from a distance it appeared to be impossibly soft.

I opened my mouth to call out to him, but no sound emerged. My eyes narrowed and I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration. He chuckled, "So sorry love, maybe next time."

I growled, he said that every time. This just made him chuckle again. I had to wonder (not for the first time) if he could read my mind when we were here, like this. He bit his cheek mimicking me, as if he were trying to contain his amusement. It wasn't working.

I turned sharply and stalked to the edge if the ballroom. I stood facing away from him with my arms crossed, staring into the darkness. No sound, no movement at all, just a breeze, and he was behind me.

"Don't be upset angel, I didn't bring you here to fight." His thumbs rubbed tiny circles into the smooth fabric of my dress. I bit into my cheek, harder this time, resisting the urge to shiver. As if I would give him the satisfaction! The truth was no matter how many times I ended up in this room, no matter how many dresses I went through, or how many styles my hair could be swept into, by the end of the night I would never know what the whole point of it had been. And I don't think that I ever would.

I sighed uncrossing my arms and resting my small hands on top of his, he bent his head lower and brushed his lips against my neck. "Maybe next time."

I gasped and spun around, my moment of contemplation forgotten, ready to burst out with an indignant I KNEW IT! But of course nothing came out.. Given the proximity between us however I wasn't falling for that raised eyebrow and half smirk. I knew he could understand me!

I began to rant in my head, trying to literally give him a piece of my mind.  Somehow it wasn't as satisfying as yelling in his face would have been. ESPECIALLY when he cocked his head and asked, "Something wrong love?" 

I shoved him away from me and stomped to the other side of the ballroom. He chuckled behind me, knowing as I did, that I would not be getting very far. Sure it was a big room, but soon I would reach the edge of darkness where, he knew as I did, I would not even consider crossing. And then he would sneak up on me, AGAIN! Oh how absolutely ridiculous, I thought, stopping right in the middle of the vast floor and plopped right on down. I drew my knees to my forehead and just sat.

The laughing stopped and I tensed for the inevitable. Suddenly he was there, hooking one arm under my legs and one behind my back, yanking me up. Had I been in control of my vocals I'm sure I would have let loose an earsplitting scream, as is I let out a pretty fierce squeal. He laughed, the deep bass vibrating against my whole body, which was pressed against his chest. I cursed myself and him in my head. No matter how much I expected it I couldn't help being frightened. I'm sure this was the reason my friends refused to watch horror movies with me. 

"Oh angel I can read you like a book, don't be cross with me." He laughed spinning me around. Suddenly the room began to shake, and I was dropped on my rear with an oomph. I looked up, even more outraged then before, only to see he had landed halfway between me and the edges of the room. With a growl he lunged towards me as the room shook again.

I shot up in my bed, banging foreheads with whoever it was that had been shaking me. "OUCH!" "ANNABELLE!" we both shouted simultaneously. 

"Stacia what the hell?" I said rubbing my head.

"Christ was that your head or a rock? No wonder you're so goddamned stubborn." She muttered, mirroring my actions.

"Not that I don't love getting a wake up call from my best friend at," I glanced at my bedside table, "11 at night , but what are you doing here?" 

"You weren't answering your phone," she said plaintively, ambling over to my closet, "and I just got us invited to a Bennett party, so get up and get ready, we're leaving in half an hour." She looked over her shoulder and smirked. I sprung out of bed and grimaced at my bed head in the mirror, it looked like my concussion was going to have to wait, I had a party to get ready for.

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