Left or Right

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Left or right?
A poem I want to write,
From a conflicted head,
With a feeling I thought was dead.

Left, should I go here?
Head down the path I fear?
Should I go? Should I continue?
To love someone who can never choose you.

Can I? Although it hurts,
A heart that fell was caught by dirt,
Yet to still hope that someday maybe,
I will be noticed and maybe love me.

Right, should I go here?
A path I don't really fear,
Should I go? Should I continue?
To forget the love I once gave you.

Can I? Will it hurt?
Does a heart that fell and was caught by dirt,
Have a chance at love once more?
Healing the wounds that once sored.

Left or right?
A poem I have finished to write,
Will a conflicted mind,
Have the answer it needs to find?

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