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     The group continued their scout out of the abnormally large forest, small conversation coming from the front half, while the rear end stayed silent. Cory and Ghetto both had their guard up, one feeling uneasy, while the other felt watched. Yet, neither had spoken a word about these feelings, due to the fear of being sneaked up on.
     Both had slammed into something/someone, grabbing their favored weapon, they aimed at whatever had stopped them in their tracks. Only to be met with two very unimpressed men, who only became less intrigued over time. After a moment of collecting themselves, and coming back from their spransike stances, Nick prepared himself for another lecture to give out.
     "Look, whatever beef you two have needs to be dealt with. We're a team, and teams work together. But we can't do that until you guys do your part," Uni began heading off, they planned this beforehand, "Uni and myself are going to leave you two here to work out your girl issues. In about an hour, we expect you both to be a bit closer, that's all we want. So do us a solid, and fix yourselves." With that Nick walked off to join Uni, leaving the others to stand in an awkward silence.
     It took about five minutes before any words were spoken between themselves, both not knowing how to bond with each other. Yet, somehow, Cory was the one to start the conversation.
     "Can I ask you a question?"
     "Go for it."
     "Do..do you hate me?" This certainly surprised Ghetto, he didn't think his attitude toward Cory had made him out to be a villain. Although, looking back to the few moments they spent with each other, he could see why Cory thought this. He let a simple sigh out.
     "Can I ask you a question?"
     "Can you keep a secret?"
     "I mean, yeah? No, wait! Yes, yes I can." Ghetto gave a small smile to that reply, 'fucking dork'.
     "Look, I don't hate you, but I hate what I see in you." He looked over towards the other, confusion covered his face.
     "Emphasize." Ghetto nodded.
     "I know you had morals to why you attacked Nick, we all have reasons for why we do things, but..," he let out another sigh before continuing, "it just reminds me of myself. And the stupid, and I mean really fucking stupid, thing I did."
     "You don't have to tell me, like you said we have reasons as to why we do things, but could you tell me what exactly you did?" Cory made eye contact with Ghetto, the confusion still littered on his face, but so was concern.
     "Alright then, but keep this between us, you know bonding shit or whatever." Cory gave a small nod, as well as a reassuring smile.
     "So, I don't think you, or a lot of people, were informed about what I did to Nick. Am I correct?"
     "Pretty sure. For all I know you could've killed the dude, and I would say 'I guess'."
     "True, true. Anyways, I ended up going a bit berzerk? I'm not too sure on how to describe it, but I ended up hurting Nick, kind of knocked him unconscious. But you know me, I would never hurt Nick, not even to save the world. So when I did that, and saw what I had done...I-I pretty much hated myself after that."
     "Hey man, take your time, again you don't have to tell me this if you don't want to." Ghetto held up his hand.
     "I'll be fine, I'm not a baby."
     "..ᵐᵐᵐᵐ, you sure?" He looked over at Ghetto once again, only to be met with a death stare, to which he gave a scared smile.
     "Continuing from where I left off, after being rudely interrupted, the reason why I hate what I see in you is because of the thing that I did. We both attacked Nick, not to mention at his most vulnerable moment, and later affected his trust in us. So basically, just seeing situations similar to mine, upset me. And I have a big temper, which I'm hoping to work on just an FYI, so you saw what happens when I do get angry. Which, again, I'm sorry that you went through that."
     "I can see where you're coming from, and, honestly, I'd probably do the same. I'm not big headed like you though, soo I don't know."
     "Alright, do you ever shut that big mouth of yours?"
     "I just did."
     "Oh my f- it's fine dude... you wanna head back, or you got something you want to share with me?"
     "It's already getting close to an hour, I think, so I say we head back. Plus I can tell you later, big guy."
     "Don't call me that, Carl."
     "ALRIGHT FINE! Just don't call me that stupid fucking name again, deal?!"
     "Hmm, I'll think about it." With that the two walked over to find Nick and Uni, who were both a bit surprised to see that their plan had actually worked, but they played it off like they knew it would have worked. Dinner that night was a bit more chatty, with everyone now talking to each other rather than only two people at a time. It felt complete, almost as if they were finally a team, a team that could cooperate together.
     The night sky was thickening in darkness, stars shining more and more overtime, to which the group began to head off to bed. Nick volunteered to take the first night shift, just because he wanted to be a good leader. Arguments soon followed about how he already was a great leader, but it quickly died down as more of the tiredness came up.
     Cory would be the last one of the night to take a shift, not really caring too much, but more on if he'd get to sleep. Plus he enjoyed his time during his shift, he was a star gazer after all, which meant getting to see the stars at night and the sun during the sunrise.

Dying Tears (Unfinished) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang