~• Christmas Special •~

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     The chatter in the room was joyous, with everyone forgetting the problem beforehand, only worrying about the night soon to come. Cheer and laughter being the only noise heard in the jaunty decorated room, that could possibly withhold a whole town.
     Delightful food consisting of various canned foods, peaches, mangos, beans, even evaporated water. A truly amazing sight to take in, seeing everyone bound together, enjoying themselves with this one holiday to be the reason for it. The usual argument between two people was put aside, instead being two cheery fellows singing merry songs beside one another. Anyone who was sent off on a previous assignment, had come back to enjoy the excitement. Even a few faces that you wouldn't usually see had popped in.
     The enthusiasm was interrupted by the soft whistle from atop a wooden table, there on that table stood the happiest person, with the widest smile on his face.
     "Hey everyone," Nick had paused waiting for the room to quiet down, "sorry to interrupt the mood, but I just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas, happy holidays, yada-yada. But most importantly, I wanted to tell you all how glad I am to have met every single one of you. Seeing how well we work together, and the many bonds we made over time really warms my heart, and I can't thank you guys enough for all the amazing memories. Without this team, the world would be in shambles, corrupted by evil, yet we're here to fix that, and show hope to those who might have given up. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you've done and still do, and I'm glad I met you all."
     And with that Nick stepped off of the table, clearly a bit drained from the long speech he had just given, but still his happy go lucky self. The room was silent, until an erupt of applause were heard all throughout the building. Yelling of agreement and thanks back could also be heard behind the heart wrenched clapping. It was a heartwarming moment for sure, a speech no one would want to forget.
     The party continued on, Nick getting pats on the back and more kind gestures when trying to get through the crowd of people. Exhausted, Nick finally made it to his group of friends that he was talking to previously, everyone of them having sly smiles on their faces.
     "What?" Was all Nick could get out of his mouth, before everyone started mimicking his speech. Some acting as if they were Shakespeare, while holding their drink up in the air, and reciting his words. It was a good laugh, Nick now forgetting the worry and nervousness from before, and just spending time with his good friends.
     "Oh hey guys, have any of you seen Ghetto by chance?" Shark had walked by the group of friends, holding a rounded cylinder like object between his hands, obviously trying to hide it. Shelby was quick to answer.
     "I have! He said, he'd be up on the roof if anybody needed him." She spoke with her cheerful high pitched voice, the Christmas spirit making it go even higher.
     "Alright," Shark kept in a small giggle, "thanks Shelby, I'll see you guys in a bit." And with that Shark went to find Ghetto, the others waving and saying goodbyes.
     "It's totally canned peaches, I could smell them." Sabre butted in, having the widest grin on his face as he said that, to which, everyone let out a small laugh.
     Going to the roof was a smaller group of people, consisting of Uni, Ghetto, Cory, and Ak. Cracking a few jokes every now and again, but mainly watching the sky, a shared interest that was found out between Ak and Cory. However, they were stopped by the footsteps being heard from the entrance of the roof door. Going quiet and waiting to see who was coming up here, only to see Shark pop his head out of the doorway.
     "Hey guys, got a little something for Ghetto, thought I'd give to you now." Shark said as he walked closer the the four, an audible 'oh' was heard from behind Ghetto, to which he snapped his neck behind to and stared at them, only for it to be Cory. Once Shark was next to Ghetto, he revealed the present from under his hands, presenting it as if it were a trophy to Ghetto.
     "You really came up here, and did this whole shenanigan, just to give me," he paused, pinching his nose with his fingers, "canned peaches." The sigh let out Ghetto could not be heard over the laughter from the three others, who all knew how much Ghetto loved his peaches.
     "Yeah! They were almost out, and I know how cranky you would have been if you didn't get any, so I brought one for you."
     "I mean I'm not complaining, I would have murdered someone for the last can; unfortunately, you brought me one so now there won't be any bloody peaches."
     "Your welcome?" Shark had mustered out, not knowing how to take that, obviously being a joke, but with Ghetto you never know.
     "Yeah, thanks Shark." Ghetto said, trying to open the can before anyone else could get their hands on it. Shark replied with a smile, before walking back to the doorway of the many stairs to come.
     "Sooooo, Ghetto's got a new boyfriend?" Cory spoke, a teasing tone behind his words. Ghetto sighed, then smirked back.
     "Yeah, well at least I can get one, unlike you." Ghetto replied back, then eating some of those delicious canned peaches he received from his new 'boyfriend'. A small, but audible enough, 'oh' was heard from the other two atop the roof.
     "Oh you motherfucker, that's pretty fucken gay, what are you gay?"
     "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. What are you some sort of homophobic? You hate the gays?"
     "These two act like complete and utter children." Ak said to Uni, who was laughing his head off at how stupid the two are.
     It was a great time for everyone. Bounds being like nice and warm hugs, becoming closer and each person being joyous in the others presence. A day many would cherish in their hearts, having a large array of extraordinary people around one another to remind them of what they're fighting for in this zombie infested world. A Merry Christmas to all, happy holidays as well, and to all a good night.

A/N - Extremely sorry that this is late, I will try and fix that so it will not happen again. However, Merry late Christmas, Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas, and hopefully I'll update before next year. Again sorry, and have a great rest of your day. (P.s. none of this is canon in the story, rather a side story for the holidays.)

Dying Tears (Unfinished) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt