"You know what? They're right. I am gonna find my own way off this island, and after I get off this island, we'll see if I'll decide to send out a rescue boat for any of you." Said a determined Mary-Ann.

After that, there was a lot of yelling, and then they all decided to go their separate way, each being determined to be the first off the island, even though they couldn't do so with the help of one another over the past two years.

Gilligan went off to think by the lagoon. It was his favourite spot to think. Upon arriving, he noticed the Skipper further down the trail, attempting to cut down a tree with a poorly designed axe which the professor made out of bamboo, and melted down metals. He looked like he already had a plan as to how he was going to get off the island.

Gilligan sat down on a large rock and stared off into the lagoon. What if everyone were to manage to get off the island, except for him? Would they send help, or just forget about him? 'They probably wouldn't even care' Gilligan thought to himself. He only knew the Skipper before the shipwreck, but surely he could find himself another first mate. 'Maybe I should just disappear now, I mean, there is no chance of me thinking of an idea to escape the island, so I might as well not even try.' He sighed, resting his chin onto his knees.

After about an hour of sitting there, staring out at the empty lagoon, He noticed that the Skipper already had a few logs tied together, making a raft. Gilligan wondered how much progress the others had already made. He felt the desire to go see what the others were doing, so I began walking along the edge of the island, keeping an eye out for the rest of his fellow castaways.

First, he saw Mr Howel, who was using sap to glue together money. Of course, all he ever cares about is money.

"Get out of her Gilligan! You think you can just come into my territory and try to steal my ideas!" Mr Howel barked at the younger.

"Mr Howel, what are you talking about, territory? We have been trapped here for the past two years and have always shared this land." Gilligan said.

"Yes, well, things have recently changed." He said, getting back to glueing his money together. It was surprising that he even risked ruining his money for this.

He continued walking down the trail, when he saw Mary-Ann, who was currently taking off the walls from the supply hut to use for what was most likely a raft.

"Get out of here Gilligan! I claimed this territory! Go steal someone else's ideas!" Scowled Mary-Ann.

"What is with everyone and claiming their territory!" Gilligan cried, annoyed. He left, once again continuing to walk. This time, walking off to one of the many, abandoned caves on the island.

As he advanced one of the larger caves, he saw the Professor doing something that looked sciencey. He never really knows what he is doing, he usually just tells him to go away before he ruins something. Of course, he usually ends up doing so on the way out, completely accidentally of course. He was far too clumsy.

"Go away Gilligan, I'm trying to find a way off this island, and I don't need you messing it up. Besides, don't you have a raft to build?" The Professor asked.

"But professor, you-" But he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence. For heaven's sake, why are people always doing that! He scowled.

"Gilligan, please. Just go bother someone else," he said, not even turning to look at who he was speaking to.

Gilligan slowly walked away, mumbling to himself as he did so. He would have to find another cave.

He finally made it to a cave on the other side of the island, hoping that he wouldn't run into the others again. He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out an old piece of crumpled paper. He proceeded to reach around on the cold ground of the dirty cave, and picked up an old piece of coal. He uncrumpled the paper, and began writing a note for the others to find.

Once he had finished his letter, he stepped out of the cave and gave a quick call for Gladys, his ape friend, to go deliver his message to the others.

"Hey Gladys, at least you aren't avoiding me." He said with a small smile. "Go deliver this message to the others." He said, handing the note to the ape who headed off running through the jungle with the note.

Gilligan couldn't help but wonder if they would dare care that he was gone, or maybe they wouldn't even read the note.

It was now pitch black out, the others were probably taking a break from building their rafts, and were probably fast asleep.

Gilligan wasn't able to get a wink of sleep because it was too quiet. Normally, he would fall asleep to the sound of the Skipper's snoring, but out there, it was silent.

Eventually, he decided against sleeping, instead deciding to go out to check out the other's rafts, who knew, maybe one of the others had already found their way off the island, and is now digging their teeth into a nice, juicy steak.

He began walking out of the cave, soon to run into a large tree, "Ouch, since when was that tree there!" He groaned, before looking up, only to see a strange man. A man who he did not recognize... A man who is not one of the castaways!

"I am sorry, I thought this island was supposed to be abandoned," The man apologised. 

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