"Double date" part 2

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‘This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet’

(Romeo & Juliet – Act 2, Scene 1)

(Did I ever tell you this oneshot will be more about Smidge x Milton but there will be Broppy too, of course.)

"A double date..?" Milton asked Poppy with a confuse look plastered on his gentle face. Poppy nodded then continued "Well a study date, that's what I meant. To do our project!" She smiles innocently. "Ahhhh... Okay sure!" He agreed returning a smile. "Great! We will meet at my house today, 6 pm."

Poppy continued "My dad will be out late for some Mayor's work that I don't even know so it will be just me, you, Branch and Smidge!"

Milton's face suddenly turned red. Poppy then noticed it. "Um... Milton? Are you okay? Are you sick? Your face is really red." Milton cough. "No! Um.. I have somewhere to go so... See ya later!" He quickly walked away.

What's going on with Him and Smidge today? Poppy asked herself before realisation kicked in. "Oh my gosh! They like each other!" She screamed. "Who like who?" A voice spoke up, Poppy turned around to see Branch.

She quickly walked to him and grab his arm. "Smidge and Milton, that's who!" She whispered then gasped. "Oh dear, I know what that means." Branch said worriedly before continuing. "You're going to play Cupid and make them become a couple."

"That's even better than what I was going to say!" She jumped before kissing his cheek. "Bye Branchifer!" She ran.

Branch touching his cheek with a love struck face before slapping himself.



ranch was knocking on the door before seeing Poppy opening the door with a big grin on her face before hugging him. "Hi Branch! Haven't seen you for so long!" Branch chuckled before replying, messing with her hair. "We just saw each other today at school, Pops. No need to get excited." He winked, earning a slap on the arm.

"Come in, your majesty." Poppy gestured for him to come inside, bowing. "Only I can do that."

"Too bad." She replied, closing the door. "Smidge and Milton already here, they're waiting in the living room.


Both Branch and Poppy walked in, to see Smidge and Milton sitting on the couch looking everywhere beside each other. "Hey Smidge, Milton." Branch greeted them. "Hi Branch."

"So what's going on in here?" Poppy asked awkwardly, noticing that the two was awfully quiet. "Oh! Um.. Nothing."

Poppy shrugged before smiling again. "Should we get started on the project?" Everyone agreed before taking the stationary stuff and some papers.

Two hours later, the group was debating on the subject. "Well I think that Juliet should be with Paris." Milton said earning a glare from Poppy. "I disagree. I think Juliet should be with Romeo."

"No! They know each other only for a week. A week!"

"And Juliet never know Paris!"

"Because she never gave him a chance! I mean who knows how long Paris have loved Juliet!?"

"Okay you two! Break it up." Branch stopped them pulling Poppy away. "This argument is just a waste of time. They're not even real becide, this doesn't have anything to do with what we learned." Smidge shakes her head while proving the point.

Branch hummed agreeing with her. "Now where are we at? Oh yeah. So I think this is where Capulet came in and he was like-"

"And you be mine, I’ll give you to my friend and you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets!" He said imitating Lord Capulet. While he was going on, Smidge can't help staring at Milton.

His eyes that shines brighter than the moon. His perfect body. His soft pink lips. No, stop thinking about him. She thought, Poppy noticed her stares. "Smidge, if you like him so much, why don't you tell him?" She whispered. "I don't like him." She denied. "Huh yeah... And I'm a fairy who can use magic to turn everyone into unicorns."

"Fine.. I do like him." Poppy gasped. "Knew it."

"But I don't know how to tell him. What if he rejects me? What if he don't want to be my friend anymore?" She sign worriedly. Poppy giggled.

"Smidge! You're over thinking this! I'm sure he like you and becide if he rejects you that that his lost. You're an amazing, beautiful, strong girl. Who wouldn't want you?"

"Uh.. Every...one?"

"I'll help you confess your feeling to him. I promise."

A/N: I'm starting to give up on this😣 I have no idea where I'm going with this oneshot but I'll try. Part 3 coming soon, I guess.

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