Build up emotions

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Opps, I'm back on this book?

Contains spoilers for Trolls Band Together.

After a long couple of days of rescuing Floyd, they finally got him back

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After a long couple of days of rescuing Floyd, they finally got him back. Now they are all sitting inside Rhonda bus, chatting their life away. The two sister's voices being the loudest of them all.

Though, questions start lingering in the older four's minds. None seem to find their voices to ask.

Branch noticed them gone quiet one by one.

"Uh, you guys okay? You've all gone quiet."

The two sisters who also noticed looked at them worriedly.

The older brothers looked at each other before Floyd started to speak.

"John Dory accidentally told me earlier that you said Grandma... got eaten." Floyd looked away, trying his best to fight his tears away. "Is that true? Is grandma really.. gone?"

Branch looked down at his feet guiltily. Poppy gently placed her hands on his shoulders.

"It's okay honey, you don't have to tell them now if you're not ready yet."

"No.. I feel like I have to now."

"Do you want me and Viva to step out so you can have your moment with them?" She asked, her hands fell off his shoulders.

Branch caught one of her hands before she could walk away.

"No Poppy. I need you here with me."

"Okay okay. I'll stay."

Branch took in a deep breath. "It started a couple of years after you left.."

"A couple? Branch-" Branch held his hand up, stopping Bruce mid sentence.

"Yeah. Um- I think it was near Trollstice. Grandma was hanging out washing outside while I was singing and I just- I was so lost in the song that I didn't hear a Bergen coming up behind me but grandma did and she pushed me away resulting in her to get taken away instead."

Branch couldn't hide his tears anymore and he couldn't find the strength to fight away his feelings.

"That day.. I completely lost my colours and couldn't find myself to sing or dance or hug or.. just being happy in general. For years I keep thinking it's my fault that she's gone."

"No." Clay stepped up "It's not your fault, not at all. They were nothing you can do, Branch. You were just a child."

"But.. I promised Floyd that I would take care of grandma and I didn't-" Floyd interrupted him.

"You tried your best, Branch. Clay's right. It's not your fault. Never were. Never will be." He pulled Branch into a hug.

"You were too young to do anything Branch." JD, Bruce and Clay joined them in the hug.

"Grandma would be so proud of the man you have become." Bruce's words caused Branch to completely break down.

All the years of build up emotions started pouring out. His cries echoed around the bus while the older brothers' hearts broke at the sight of their younger brother's tears pouring out.

Poppy held on to his hand while Viva watched them, her own tears started to fill her own eyes.

"My little brother is the bravest man I've ever known." Said JD.

"Braver than you?"

"Hahaha, definitely better than me."

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