"That is reassuring.", your voice was sarcastic and you still didn't dare to touch the mysterious substance, even if it smelled good.

The woman shook her head, "See.", she grabbed the drink, took a sip and gave it back, "Just drink it! Don't be so stubborn!", she laughed and gave you a friendly bump on the shoulder which almost caused you to drop the cup. You winced slightly and moved away even further. Like a cornered animal. Cornered by the enemy you had planned to kill...the ones who were now standing in front of you...taking..care? No. You did not like this one bit.

"I am so sorry...I see you are hurt...what happened? Maybe we can help you?"

Fuck. There was no way out of this situation was there? You shook your head and took a sip from the hot liquid. It...it was amazing. You could feel it warm up your insides and increase your body temperature, even if it was only slightly.
"I don't...remember.", you finally said, "I got hit by...something. When it exploded."

An agreeing murmur went through their rows.
"Some maniac shot a...shot a very important person. Then blew up half of the city's bridges and a few more buildings. Apparently also some ships."

You just nodded and poured down the contents of the cup. It burned your mouth but it helped immensely with keeping you warm. Or rather...heating you up.

The woman that had appeared second wiped away some tears, "Just..they just killed him. He was a good guy! He...he helped so many people...just murdered in cold blood. And...all those civilians that were killed as well! Unnecessary."

Civilians? More like acceptable casualties.

There was a man sitting at the corner of the bar. He had been so unmoving you hadn't even noticed him. Only mere moments ago when you had increased your void. He was their Force sense guy. Their own Vornskr. No match for the real one though.
"He's gone for long enough now.", he said and stood up.

Vicrul was gone? He had just...left you? What kind of bullshit was that?

You watched the man lose all the colour in his face.
"We have to leave. Now."

"We can't just leave! There is only one bridge! It's too risky, we have to wait till it dies down.", the woman said and got up again.

"It's Ren. He's coming. We won't leave the district but we...you know where we have to go.", he looked at you sideways, clearly not wanting to talk about it while you were still there.

"We can't leave her! She's going to die!", the woman insisted. Why...why did she care about you? She didn't know you at all...this didn't make sense.

"Just fucking go. ", you said, your voice almost bored. Slowly you got up and patted the woman's back, "Thank you. Now go."

They didn't wait. They just started running. Once they were out of sight you got out your datapad and switched on the tracker you had placed on the woman's coat as you had patted her back. If Kylo was really coming you could not sit at the edge of a corner almost dying of hypothermia. There was no way. You displayed the route they took on the insides of your goggles so you wouldn't have any trouble following them.

You turned your head sideways until a cracking sound could be heard. Alright. Time to hunt their Vornskr. You ran after them, making sure to stay in the shadows. The void you could create had some massive problems, the most obvious being that your body temperature dropped. It also seemed to drain the colour, but not just that. However there was one benefit to it...it muffled most of the sounds you made. You yourself couldn't hear well anymore either, but that was fine. Why would you rely on sound if you could feel them?

They had stopped moving. Why would they stop here? They didn't try to leave the district. Did they go into hiding? Foolish unless...you took a quick look at the map. Of course. From the intel you had gathered this small part of the island was famous for supporting the Resistance. Which meant it crawled of their fighters or sympathizers, just how trash was crawling with various pests. No difference either. Well, perhaps one, the rats and cockroaches might be a bit smarter than the Resistance.
Then the signal stopped abruptly. Took them long enough to find the transmitter, it was not like you had hidden it, just placed it straight on her back.

All the Way (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now