She was immediately met with the sight of Frank sitting on the rock in front of the door. "Hello there Frank." Celeste greeted the Thunderbird, who chirped and titled his head.

The thunderbird greeted the icy blonde, with a loud chirp and let her come near him. Celeste lifted her hand in a peaceful gesture. Frank leaned towards her hand and let her stroke his beak.

"I missed you too Frank." Celeste said, smiling at the bird. Celeste heard the door close, and few footsteps towards her. "So Newt, where are you gonna set him free?" Celeste asked as she noticed him standing beside her.

"I was thinking of Arizona. But I still have to find Dougal." Newt said, looking at the woman. Celeste looked at him with wide eyes. "You lost Dougal?!" She exclaimed quietly.

"Kind of. It's a long story and I can't tell you everything just now." Newt said, shaking his head. "Oh Newt." Celeste mumbled, before walking away from the bird and gesturing to Newt to follow her.

They both sat on the ground beside the door, and sat in silence. "I am glad that I was accepted to be a British envoy." Celeste spoke up, breaking the silence amongst them.

"I am glad too. I think I would be toasted otherwise." Newt joked as he played with his nails. "More like boiled actually. Nasty execution." Celeste joked, looking at him.

"Not a great way to give me encouragement. " Newt said, chuckling while looking at Celeste. "Well I do hope I am not encouraging you to get yourself in a situation like this again. I can't be everywhere." Celeste said, shaking her head, a faint smile playing on her lips.

They heard the door open, making them look up at the source. "Uh, we are away from the ministry. I think we should plan to find your remaining creature." Jacob said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Both of them nodded and stood up. They followed Jacob back into the room.

The group found themself on the rooftop of a building. "I can't believe we just broke out of MACUSA." Celeste remarked as they looked over the city.

"Graves always insisted that it was a creatures doing. I think he is using them as a scapegoat." Tina commented, and Celeste agreed.

"I have worked with him in Greek when we came across Grindelwald. He was not like this. Something is off about him." Celeste said, shoving her hands in the coat of her coat. She was still in her formal clothes.

"We have to find your creatures before he can do anything to them." Tina said, looking over the city herself.

"Only Dougal is missing. Only problem is that he is invisible." Newt said, scratching the back of his neck. "And how is one supposed to find them?" Tina asked, disbelief evident on her face.

"With immense difficulty." Newt said, making Celeste smile. She closed her eyes while wind played with her shoulder length hair. "Gnarlak!" Tina exclaimed, making Celeste jump. "Merlin's beard. Never do that again." Celeste said, resting one hand on Newt's shoulder and other over her heart.

"Who might be Gnarlak?" Newt asked, as he kept a soothing hand around Celeste's waist. "He was an informant back when I was an auror. He might know about your demisguise." Tina said eagerly.

"So why are we wasting our time here? Let's go." Celeste said, looking at the group. Celeste jumped down from the edge of the building.

They all appeared in some alleyway. "So this place is called blind pig. It's basically a bar." Tina said, as they approached a dead end. Tina and Queenie faced each other and taped wands on each other, changing their casual clothes to fancy one.

"Do I have to?" Celeste asked, looking at her tuxedo. "Yes." Queenie said, smiling brightly. "Oh alright." Celeste said, removing her wand from inside her coat.

Strings Attached Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora