You Meet his Family

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Your POV:

    Leo and I were having out on top of my building like we always do. "Sooo... Watcha wanna do today?" I asked.  "I don't knoww what do you wanna do?" He replied. I flipped over on my stomach with my head in my hands and my feet swinging in the air. "So. When do I get to meet these famous brothers of yours? I wanna meet these big pain in the butt of yours," I said smiling at Leo. He rubbed the back of his neck. " you want to meet them right now?" He asked looking up at me. "Yesss!" I squeeked,  shooting straight up onto my feet. "Alright then but I have to warn you they are rather.. interesting..." He started and continued to explain who's who on our way down to the sewers.

   ~~~ down in the sewers~~~

     I smelt it before I could even see anything. I was trying to hide how nauseous the smell made me feel but Leo noticed it and laughed. "Don't worry. It gets better, you won't even be able to smell it when we get there." He said. "Oh..ok.. thanks," I replied looking down. I felt bad that I sort of indirectly insulted him. "We're almost there" he said, "you remember who's who?" " Yea, Raphs the pissy one, Donnie ' s the smart one, and Mikey is the funny one, right?" I said. "Yup," he replied as we walked into an abandoned subway station.  It had couches and a tv and looked really homey.  Leo was right. The smell did go away.

     "Mikey! I swear I am going to pound you!" A gruff voice yelled. "Ah! Raph I didn't mean too!" A lighter sounding voice came. I looked and saw a turtle in a red mask chasing another in a orange mask. Raph and Mikey.  I said to myself starting to laugh out loud. "Oh guys, will you please quit it!" Another voice yelled from some where. Next thing you know a big BOOM came from where the voice came from a long with a trail of smoke. A third turtle came out coughing and wearing a purple mask. And Donnie. I started to laugh again looking over at Leo who looked  embarrassed.  As soon as everybody heard me laughing everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Yo! Leo brought home a girl!" Presumably Mikey yelled. "Hey Lame-o-nardo I didn't know you had a girlllllfrienddd. " Raph said with a sly smile. "She's not my girlfriend Raph. Everybody this is (y/n)." Leo said, his face turning a little red.  "Hey dudette! I'm Michaelangelo but you can call me Mikey!" The orange turtle came over to me and hugged me so hard, he lifted me off the ground. I tried to laugh but he was squeezing me so hard I couldn't breath. "Mikey..cant.. breath.." I stuttered out with a smile. "Oh! Sorry dudette!" Mikey said and put me down. I laughed again and the purple turtle then came over to me. "Hi!," he said with a wave, "I'm Donetello but you can call me Donnie!" He smiled and had an adorable gapped tooth smile. "Hi Donnie!" I said with a wave back. The red turtle then slightly came over to me. " I'm Raphael but you can call be Raph." He said with another smirk. "Hey," I said with a said with a slight smile. Soon after a giant rat came out of no where's and bowed to me. I bowed back putting together that this must be Master Splinter. "Hello (y/n). I am Master Splinter. I can see that you have met my sons," He said to me, " I trust Leonardo in making good decisions so I trust you with our secret. You may come and stay when ever you like, you are always welcomed." "Thank you Sensai," I replied bowing my head. He bowed again and I did the same and he disappeared again. "Yo! Can I give you the tour of the lair, bro?" Mikey asked me cheekily.  "Of course!" I yelled looking at Leo for approval.  He smiled at me and put his hand out as to say lead the way.

     After a few hours I had officially accomplished hanging out with all of the turtles. I played some video games with Mikey, Raph thought me a few moves,  and helped out Donnie with a new invention of his. I loved hanging out with all of them but I loved hanging out with Leo the most. He showed me his favorite show Space Hero's and after a few episodes I was completely hooked.  "Really? You like it?" Leo asked hopefully. "Yea! It's great!" I replied eagerly. Leo picked me up and hugged me tightly. "Nobody here likes it, I'm so glad you do!" He practically squeeked.  He then realized what he was doing and quickly placed me back on the couch. We both turned our heads away and blushed. "Sorry 'bout that." He mumbled embarrassed. I giggled and then looked at the time. "It's okay Leo," I said, "I should probably get home though, before my parents get mad for me being late." "O-Okay, I'll bring you home." He said. I made my rounds in saying goodbye to everybody. When I got to Mikey he picked me up into another death hug. "No! I won't let you go! Who else am I going to play video games with?" He said, practically tearing up. I laughed as he put me down. "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow," I glanced back at Leo "if Leo let's me." I teased. Leo playfully rolled his eyes at Mikey. "Of course she'll be  back Mikey." Leo replied. "Good! You better!" Mikey said before giving me one last hug and then running off to play his games again.

   "Quite a bunch, huh?" Leo asked me as we walked home. "Yea, but they're fun. They're more fun than my brother." I said playfully nudging him with my elbow. He laughed and picked me up to carry me to my window. He jumped up the fire escape and when we got to my window, I pushed it open and crawling inside. "Thanks again Leo, " I said, " you should come and hang out at my place sometime and maybe we could watch Space Hero's together?" "That would be great (y/n)." He replied with a smile. He quickly gave me a friendly hug and then I watched him jump off the fire escape to the roof of the  building next to mine. It didn't hit me as much until I realized how painful it was to watch him go. Ugh, I thought to myself, I think I'm in love again. I leaned on my window sill, deeply sighed,  and stared out the window until he faded into the Manhattan sunset.

A/N: Hey guys!  I want to apologize because I know that the chapters are really long. I'll try to shorten them up. Next is when he asks you out yayy finally getting to the good stuff; -) lol well sorry I just felt like I should say something love u all!

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