Chapter One: Broken Family

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    Deep in the heart of this Broken City lies a home, it looks like a paradies to live in. Pristine white walls, large balcony and a library that overlooks the sea. It looks perfect, but it's not. A family, a seemingly perfect family. They are a perfect family, on the outside. A loving mother with five children, each working stable jobs to support each other. They seem happy, not a care in the world. A young cat, one of the five. Vistine looked happy, had good friends, a good life. Then it all went to shit, her friends turned on her, she got expelled from her college because of a student planting false evidence on her. Then there was her father, a tom not so deserving of that title. Everything is happy until the father comes home from the bar. Then a long painful night of hell begins. The arena, a place born in the remains of the aesseal stadium. Withered with decay the seats have sunken into the ground and the field is no longer green but brown and dusty with dirt, and rocks. This place, it runs off the blood of foes, no surrenders are allowed, only one gladiator makes it out alive. No weapons, no armor, just their wit and natural defenses. Cars roll past, life lives on in this dying city of man. The world lives on, like they were never here in the first place.
    Down the alleys a small frame limped, a young dark grey Maine Coon with red eyes. She had a nasty cut on her leg. Not like it meant anything to anyone. The molly continued down the dirty path. Vistine was about to climb into her apartment of which she shared with her parents and siblings, when her ears picked up on chanting coming from the other end of the alley. Curious the grey coated feline padded down the alleyway, ignoring the stench of drugs on the air from the usual potheads that came into the street at night. Soon the dim alley opened up into the brightly lit open space. She hadn't been here before, so the cat was thoroughly intrigued. The molly walked around the large crowd that watched a match unfold before them. Eventually Vistine managed to squeeze through the crowd and took a seat by an elderly dalmation. Her spot of choice was near the front of the wall. The place reeked of death and blood, she wrinkled her nose but stayed to watch the fight drag on.
    In the arena were two animals, a small senior aged pug and a wide husky. The tall broad shouldered husky bared it's sharp, pearly white fangs, drool dripping from its snout as it snapped at the pug who had ducked and made a move for the canine's legs. With a loud ear piercing yelp the black and white dog kicked off the cream coated canine. The arena roared as onlookers who watched the fight drag on. The pug was winning by the looks of it. All they had were a few scratches while the husky was all bloody with bite and claw marks. The black and white canine threw itself at the small tan dog. With a slobbery snap a yelp rang through the arena. The husky reeled back and shook itself violently. Clinging onto its throat was the pug. The more they shook the more blood sprayed into the air. The arena that was one howling cheers of the onlookers fell silent. This was not what they were expecting. The pug was winning. Vistine watched with wonder. How did someone so small take on something so much bigger? She had to know. With a gargle the husky faltered. Their form weak as they collapsed to the ground completely limp. Moments passed as the pool of blood swelled in size. Half the crowd waited as if the larger dog might get up. Standing above the body was the blood soaked face of the cream colored canine. A voice fell over the arena as the announcer cleared his throat. "Guillotine 1 Maskarr 0. Corpse Disposal being detached." They spoke over the roaring silence. Usually the voice coming over the intercom was bold and loud, this one was meek and soft. Like they too were in shock by this victory. "Guillotine has reached the rank of adept." They added flatly. Cold green eyes scanned over the crowd as the pug who Vistine now knew as Guillotine was beaming. The pug turned with a huff trotting down the arena's length. As the dog left two more animals rushed into the arena. A dog and a badger ran up to the corpse and collected the husky onto a stretcher and carried the bleeding body away. Something in the female's eyes sparkled. What if she were to do that? Throw a crowd into a stunned silence taking down an animal much larger than herself. If Vistine did maybe she'd be successful in protecting her mother from Butch. It was worth a shot. After all, what had she to lose?
    As Vistine was about to go an elderly voice stopped her. "You share the spark of a potential gladiator. What's your name?" The dalmatian croaked out. Turning to face the canine Vistine narrows her eyes. "Sidine." A false name she often assumed. With a laugh the elderly dog smiled at her. "You don't cast out your real name like it's paper. You'll make a good novice gladiator." There was a twinkle in his eyes. One of passion. When Vistine opened her mouth to object a new voice sounded behind her. "Salmotine tormenting another one into joining the arena. What have I told you about trying to force those youngsters into doing something they don't want to do." It was female, and older like the voice of the dalmation. Turning around Vistine was met with the blood soaked face of Guillotine. A sense of power came from the pug. Power Vistine aimed to radiate. The feline fixed her posture, stiffening her spine. Frozen in her place she debated her choices as she looked at the stone floor. Red eyes cold and dark. "Where do I join?" The words fell from Vistine, cold and dull almost robotic sounding.Guillotine perked up, the canine looked confused for a second. Vistine rose her gaze to stare the elderly pug dead in the eyes. "Where do I become a gladiator." Her tone almost stern, Vistine wanted her answer. She needed power, this was one way to get it. Power, the power to finally step up and dash Butch off this planet. Power to protect her family from him. Guillotine blinked, the pug seemed almost surprised. "A place known as The Gates." The pug spoke slowly after a moment. With a short nod the feline turned. Vistine hopped up onto a stone seat then up to the next level. As she hauled herself up the rows and levels of the seats in the arena her thoughts burned like a blazing fire. Here she'd meet her final placement in life. Her onto goal. Claws skittered up the stone. Red eyes blazing. Pupils narrowed into slits. Soon the year of pain her mother, sisters, and brothers suffered would soon reach their end. Butch's time was drawing near, Vistine could feel it.

    That night Vistine returned later than usual. As she climbed the fire escape she heard the muffled sounds of yelling. With urgency she jumped to the window. Panic and dread filled her. As she reached the half cracked open window she heard the sound of a bottle shattering. With a snarl she shoved through the gap and landed on the carpet with a thud. A door slammed as Vistine ran through the dark apartment. The only light on was in the kitchen. As the dark pelted molly shoved through the entrance the first thing she saw was the blood pooling around the white, dark grey, and red coat of her mother, Bea. Without another thought Vistine charged forward skidding to a halt at her mother's side. The puddle of blood wasn't large but it was enough to make Vistine worry. Without another word or action she ran to the bathroom and fished through the canines for the medi kit. When she pulled out the white box with a red plus sign on she took it into her jaws and ran back to the kitchen, stumbling a few times as she did. Here moments too late to stop Butch. Vistine swore and best herself up as she gently picked her mother up. After taking water over the blood coated wound Vistine saw the pink flesh and the red dots which were blood was slowly seeping back through the tissue and muscle. Nothing was stuck in the wound, good, Butch had for the most part missed his mark. After Vistine sprayed disinfectant she took a clean white roll of gauze and wrapped it around her mother's neck, careful not to make it too tight or too loose. As the job was done Vistine carefully carried Bea to her room, her ears drawn back and her lips downturned into a frown. Setting her mother in her bed Vistine stared down at the older feline's form, her brows furrowed with worry. Back through the room the dark grey molly crept, stepping over the things Butch would've knocked down during his rampage that night. Grabbing the doorknob in her jaws Vistine cast one last worried glance at Bea. With that she slowly and quietly shut the door. With a quiet click the latch closed and Vistine faced the hardwood floors of the now destroyed apartment, a snarl drawing up on her lips. With a quick shake of her head the molly trots down the hall brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. Tomorrow she'd begin the life she'd keep from her family. A life she could tell no one. A life in which she'd prove to this world that an animal no matter how small could rule the world if they so desired.

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