Inequality(Not Wanting An Upper-Hand)pt 1

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"Let's always think outside the box." ~ BNZ
Look at the Catholic Church. The males dominate in the affairs of the highest heirachy. |Pope,Arch Bishop,Bishop,Priest,Cardinals, Seminarians,AltarBoys|etc. The Reverend Sisters,Mother Superior and others are the backbenchers in the convent.

         Is that the true will of the Creator? Sanctity applies in other religious sects too! When if at all these religious bodies do need to exist,why don't they have equal number of men and women occupying all the positions in all heirachy? Why segregate and silence the female gender to the background?

         Women in most books today ar made to look like the evil ones. Witches are termed evil..bitches in animal kingdom is for a female dog in which it's referred to a woman who is nasty. Eve projected as the cause of Adam 'the world's' downfall and Lilith(unsubmissive). They say the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit/Wholly Spirit and written by 40 MEN no WOMEN. All major players are men. The male gender controlling the mind through words..Masculine&Feminine words. More male words being used in the English grammar.
Masterpiece,Mastermind,human, man-made, mankind, manpower, kingdom,etc.
      Even with the deity God/Goddess. God masculine being referred to as the Creator. Already giving the Creator a masculine image(God the Father,God the Son...)why? We keep humanizing the Supernatural to gain power at the world's expense. Creating institutions and Fraternities as worship centers,e.g churches,mosques..and fill them up with males in high positions like The Vatican/The Pope/The Imam/Alfas,etc as well as mythologies of all kinds.

           Marriage today,two people get married and the woman drops her maiden name to take up the man's own. Why? Why can't both names represent? Bride price should be eradicated totally! No amount should be placed on anyone. No woman is for sale. Both genders have their strengths/weaknesses in different ways that nature made it to seem. None is more superior.

          Why will the Catholic Church have Reverend Father and no Reverend Mother? But Reverend Sister and no Reverend Brother? We have lost the concept of why we were called out in the first place. Caring for one another genuinely,being a brother or sister's keeper in the true word!

       Biology has made the female look like a weaker sex. What is our definition of strength? Is it measured in muscles? Biology made us think that humans evolved from Chimpanzees (evolutionary lies) how many have occured throughout our lifetime? None. Some say the sun causes cancer but the rays don't. It's actually the chemical from the cream we use that probably reacts with the contact from the sun which gives the after effects and we blame it on the Sun.

      Just like when you expose cream containing hydroquinone (bleaching agent)into the air,it turns dark. So imagine the effects of that product on your skin when you come out to the Sun etc. Let's stop the blasphemy by accusing the Supernatural powers of being responsible for our own mischiefs and mistakes. The Supernatural Powers radiate and give off very positive energy from above thru the air.


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