Family(The Bond Stays True To?)

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"Let's always think outside the box." ~ BNZ
   At some point in life, we come to the realization that things just don't seem right.

    When the beautiful world or universe intended by the Almighty Creator isn't what it is, things just don't add up.
Lies, deceit, denials, manipulations, slavery of different kinds, dominance, etc..this occurs in basically all facets of life.

      The family, health, religion, education, politics, military and so on, have all been twisted with different ideologies to suit different needs&motives. Culture, words, mindsets, etc have evolved for better or worse. Yet peace and progress for all seems far-fetched when it can be very near and achievable IF ONlY 'we' be truthful, genuine and kind in our ways, thoughts and motives.

       Gender inequality has been one of Nature's wish for us to get it correct and project less/no selfish motive. No gender is better or more Superior to the other. We are all equal. The human specie should be more selfless, especially the Male Gender. The peace the world desires is in our hands. Once we become less coded and more open to one another,the ulterior motives will end. Need to control through deceitful ways should STOP. Let's take the Family Unit for starters.

      We are thought to believe that family is everything. You protect your own at all cost even when it's to others detriment. We use the Lion as a yardstick to portray the image of Family Pride,but forget that the lion isn't the ideal example. Instead,it is the elephant! The female elephant. But gender superiority won't let it fly. The elephant looks out for everyone/every specie in danger. Doesn't only protect it's kind. Family goes beyond brother,sister(siblings) and parents.

      That's why we intertwine with others through marriage and expand. Family is global,not a unit. That stranger can be family too,blood link or not!!
We need to start to think outside the box and think beyond what we've been told or made to believe overtime. Perceive what the Supernatural/natural is telling us. Not make-believe. Love&Peac aren't far-fetched but achievable with ease in our world today. There is plenty for everyone.


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