The ol' unrelenting force

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A lot of you guys, I imagine, play skyrim, so I bet even more of you have heard the words, FUS ROH DAH! these are the dragon younger words that make up the unrelenting force shout, so I wonder, what would happen if I got fus roh dah'd?

Ok so first of all, you'd need the sound, the sound that knocks you off your feet. lets say a car horn is 30 decibels, and a boom box at full blast is about 50, and a chainsaw is around 100, to knock someone over we would need about 300,000,000 decibels, and that's louder than a supernova. so, if someone did fus roh dah you, then you know everyone in a 59 mile radius would have bleeding eardrums, but, unfortunately, the attacker is on a suicide mission, because they would implode at the huge sound, so, it would be so lid that you would only hear the words fus and roh, because your eardrums would've exploded, but even better, the implosion if the attacker was caused by a singularity, which because it devoured the attacker, would grow, and then devour more people, and grow, and it would turn into a super massive black hole and destroy the universe, so next time you wanna do fus roh dah, think of all the innocent lives at stake...

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