32. A Theme of Moving Forwards

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Dylan snorted. "Yeah, it's actually because it was too spicy."

"How spicy?"

"Ghost pepper."

Bryce smiled, and turned to collect his computer bag. "I'm off, okay?"

"Hey, Bryce?" The man froze with his hand resting on the doorknob. "I'm, really glad that you're the one I fell in love with."

In response, Bryce dropped his bag again, Glow emanating through his chest, and crossed over towards Dylan. His eyes misting slightly, hands slipping under Dylan's chin, Bryce kissed him gently on the forehead. "I'm glad you're my Soulmate, too."

In response, Dylan grabbed Bryce's tie and brought him back down to kiss him sweetly. Pulling back, he whispered, "Sorry to ruin the moment, but you're late for work already." Planting another chaste kiss on the man's lips, Bryce quickly departed for the office building fourteen miles to the southeast of their flat.

~ ~ ~

Close to two years had elapsed since the night Bryce and Dylan discovered they were Soulmates.

By then, the threat of snow had passed and come again. The air changed and felt fresh; the wind turned it bitterly cold. Colours began blooming from the tree-lined streets before disappearing under the mist of rain and drabness.

Dylan arrived to the office building, staring up at its glass and steel edifice like it was an imposing figure. Inhaling, he stepped through the front doors. A wave of either energy or anxiety washed through his stomach; thankfully, he hadn't eaten much that morning, but it still produced the effect of nausea.

"Hey," called Michael from the front desk. "What're you doing here?"

"Hi. I, uh...brought lunch for Bryce," he replied. Dylan tapped his foot gently on the floor.

"You like your new job?" he asked, writing down Dylan's visit in the Visitor's Log. "We all miss you here. It's weird; after you left, things felt different."

Dylan couldn't help but smirk. "How're you and Chris?"

"We're all right. We have a flat together around the corner. It's nice." Michael handed Dylan his nametag and pointed towards the elevators. "You know the way."

The office had changed. Desks and cubicle walls had been rearranged. The fluorescent lights had changed colours – from a dim yellow to a harsh white. In fact, some flourescents hadn't been replaced purely because the new lights were more powerful. Some familiar faces remained. New eyes watched him curiously, wondering what he was doing in their world.

The world that Dylan knew was still there. He was now unwelcome.

Thank goodness Bryce had spotted the man from across the room from his corner office. Bryce stepped out and waved him in, as if giving clearance to tread. Dylan could feel the curious eyes burrowing into the back of his head, but ignored it. Into Bryce's office, Dylan slipped in and closed the door quietly.

Bryce's office had the typical decorations of any office – picture frames cluttering the shelf space, books doing the same, in- and out-boxes beside his desk, and an old black computer sitting beside a mound of papers. There were two distinct pops of colour – a lovely bouquet of pink roses sitting off to the side from his parents, and a golden picture frame depicting an adventure Bryce and Dylan had gone on together.

"Hi." He turned in surprise to find Amber sitting on the sofa opposite the desk, watching him interestedly, a warm smile spreading across her lips. Her hair had been cut short, bangs now covering her forehead in a neat, straight line over her eyebrows. She had slimmed down slightly, but this was of her own accord. Thin-rimmed glasses slipped down the edge of her nose, which she pushed back in a fluid motion before asking, "What're you doing here?"

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