22. A Theme of Unknown & Breaking the Cycle

Start from the beginning

"I'm your emergency contact at work," Chris reminded, cheeks still tinted pink.

"I'm not at work," Dylan noted.

"Emergency services still called the company," Chris replied.

Dylan frowned. "So why did you bring the entire company?" he asked, gesturing to everyone behind Chris.

Chris looked back, staring at the two, and replied, "I'm not entirely sure why they're here."

"My shift was over, and when I see my Soulmate running towards the doors, I'm concerned," quietly put in Michael.

"Stevenson said I could leave and see what's happening," put in Travis.

"What time is it?" Dylan asked, looking up and seeing the time being just after five in the afternoon. "What time did you come over to my flat?"

"Four-twenty," answered Amber. "I remember because Bryce kept badgering me about – "

"Shit." Dylan looked around and enquired, "Where's Bryce?" Ignoring any answer to that question, he asked a passing nurse and asked the same question.

"Mr. Houghton is in confinement, presently."


"I don't have his records on me," the nurse noted. "Who is enquiring?"

"His Soulmate."

"Oh, you're Mr. Matthews; my apologies." The nurse noted something on the corner of a scrap of paper in her arms and finished, "I'll bring you his file momentarily. Will you be with Miss Lawson?" Dylan nodded and went to open the door. "Wonderful. I'll be back soon."

The door was opened already. Chris was watching, dismayed, as Dylan proceeded back into the room. "Okay, now that you're all here, I got something to say. Just bear with me for right now." Hands curling into fists and his body becoming rigid, he hastily spat out, "Bryce and I have known we were Soulmates since we went on that trip for the website, like, six months ago. And I love him."

Chris looked gutted, even if he already knew the details of Bryce and Dylan's relationship. He was more hurt by the last line.

Travis didn't care. He merely whispered, "Okay."

Michael watched his Soulmate and Dylan quietly and shrugged to the latter.

Amber and Mrs. Matthews gave Dylan two thumbs ups. Ross followed his Soulmate in suit.

"Okay, well, with that out of the way, I'm going to go find my Soulmate."

A rather timid-sounding voice suddenly spoke, "Mr. Matthews?" Dylan waved his hand before the nurse continued, "Mr. Houghton is with the Soulmate Institute – " He pointed down a long section of hallway which ended with two swinging, white doors. " – right down that way. He seems to be locked in the Asch Effect."

"Th – what?"

"He's located in room 1013," the nurse continued, pointing his pen towards the double doors again. "You, your family, and his family are the only ones allowed in, so that means your acquaintances..." The nurse glanced around at the others. "...need to remain here, yeah?"

"Yes, sir," Dylan replied. After asking if there was anything further the nurse could do, he checked Amber's vitals, the purpled bruise on the side of her head, and left. Dylan rubbed his thumbs against his forefingers and announced, "I need to go see Bryce." Mrs. Matthews began to stand, but her son gestured her to stop. "You can go home, okay? Thank you for being here for me."

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