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      Adrian brings over two plates of freshly heated lasagna. The alluring scent of tomato paste and beef has my tongue watering before he even sets it before me on the kitchen island. 

      "Tuck in," He murmurs as he stabs a fork into my mound of pasta.

      "Thank you," I mention gratefully and, balancing James with one arm, I use my other hand to eat. Adrian eyes my multitasking as he takes a bite of his plate.

      "Isn't that hard?" He asks, cocking up a brow.

      "Um," I swallow my mouthful, "now that I think of it— kind of." 

      He heaves a hard sigh and twists himself on his stool.

      "I'll carry him while you eat."

      Deciding not to argue with him, I carefully hand over the sleeping infant. Adrian steadies James and himself, cautiously resting the baby's head comfortably on his shoulder. James twitches a little in his father's hold but soon relaxes, maintaining his slumber.

      Certain that Adrian has James covered, I immediately dig into my lasagna. I let out a groan of satisfaction; is this store bought or did Portia make this? She didn't mention being a cook for Adrian but this tastes way too good to be store bought; made with love and homely hands.

      Adrian smirks at my greedy eating. "Slow down, you might choke."

      I chew on a particularly large bite and struggle to swallow it. Clearing my throat, I grab a tissue from the dispenser in the middle of the counter and wipe the stained corners of my mouth.

      "Sorry, I haven't had anything since yesterday's lunch," I explain.

      "You missed dinner?"

      "A certain someone decided to drop by instead," My eyes fall to the little body huddled in his arms. He follows my gaze and a rare smile breaks out on his structured face.

      "If I should be honest," Adrian starts, licking his lips tentatively, "I'm glad he ended up on your doorstep."

      A forkful of my meal stops halfway on its path to my mouth. I bring the bite down, looking at him.

      "What do you mean?" My meal is forgotten.

      Still looking down at his son, he continues, "I mean what I said. He could have ended up anywhere."

      I notice the sudden fear in his voice.

      "God knows where Lucy could have left him... what kind of person could have found him." He mutters quietly.

      I can't help it. The sensation of tears prick my eyes as I glance down at my meal again. His love for his son is so pure, so gentle and so real. The love my parents have for me makes so much sense now. Everyone has that instinct to love their child, their own little human.

      "I'm glad I found him, too." I whisper.

      Before Adrian could continue, I stuff another mouthful to appease my stomach and withhold my tears. Nothing like food to cheer you up.

      I make sure to hurry up my meal so that Adrian gets a chance to have his own. Gently, I bring James back into my arms and pat his back as he twists his head around, nuzzling the nape of my neck. Adrian eats lazily; no doubt having lost his appetite after our little talk. Who can blame him, though?

      "So, what's it like being a famous, rich, young business entrepreneur?" I ask lightly, in hopes of starting a harmless conversation.

      "Well," He starts through his mouthful, shoving it to one cheek, "It's pretty laid back when you actually think about it hard enough."


      He nods. "Everyone is at your beck and call. People are intimidated, some are admirers and others are haters. I don't really care about the latter but yeah." 

      "Huh." I scoff softly. "Isn't it tiring?"

      "What do you mean?"

      "Don't you have friends?"

      It's his turn to scoff now.

      "Of course I do, what do you see me as? A lonely, lifeless stick figure?"

      Well, you're kind of too fit to look like a stick figure but okay.

      I blush at my thought. "No, it's just stereotypical." I mutter. 

      "Stereotypical?" He repeats incredulously.

      "Uh," I begin to stutter. Obviously he wouldn't know about the stereotypes about business tycoons like himself, why did I even bring up the topic?

      Adrian urges me with his cocked brow and I relent.

      "I mean, people like you are sometimes seen as business crazy folks, rich and spends too much, tons of girls by their sides..." I attempt to let him down slowly. I blanch suddenly. He's married. Why did I say the last bit? How disrespectful, Liz!

      Adrian blinks speechlessly, his mouth hanging open in surprise. Shit. I've really done it now. I nervously switch my gaze to stare at an empty vase around the corner.

      Then I hear it. It startles me for a moment as I turn back. Adrian throws his head back in boisterous laughter that makes me jump. I hiss at him, holding James head. He notices my warning but that doesn't stop him from going into a breathless fit of chuckles.

      "What?" I snap, angry at him for catching me by surprise. 

      "Tons of girls by their sides?" He chokes out with a smile, rubbing his strained tears. 

      "That's what people think!" I fail to suppress my own laugh at his hilarious fit. 

      He slowly calms down from his laughter, retreating to his meal again. "Whatever. I don't care what people think." 

      I nod slowly. It's best if I keep quiet now before I say something makes him laugh like a drunk bear again. A little giggle escapes my lips. Drunk bear.

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