cocoa, whipped cream, and cinnamon

Start from the beginning

Wendy followed his gaze and her eyes were on Fred once again, who was now dancing with professor McGonagall, catching another chuckle from the girl. George on the side with Angelina, was having the time of his life watching his twin dancing with the woman. Neville couldn't have known that only one of them would live long enough to find love, but he also couldn't know that she would make sure than won't be the case. Fred will live, possibly ending up with Angelina, and George will find his own true love.

"I'm sure they will," she answered after a while.

They both turned back to their practice, this time Wendy was getting better and was able to follow Neville without stepping on his toes. Now that she knew, more or less, how to dance she was more excited to attend the Yule Ball. A chance she would have never thought of having.

Back in the Common Room, Wendy and her friends were sitting down lazily on the couches, while some others, like Ron and Harry, were lying on the floor. They were all tired from the practice, and Harry could even argue he'd prefer Dragons and Quidditch over dancing shoes.

Harry quickly rose from the floor, "I forgot I have a letter from Sirius."

Wendy looked over at the boy from the corner of her eyes. She had her feet on Michael, who didn't attend the practice because he had to take his special O.W.L.S exams. Harry grabbed the letter he put inside his pocket earlier that day and opened it. It wasn't often that Harry would get a letter, and he wasn't the only one excited about it.

"He says hi to everyone," he said after reading the first few lines with an enthusiastic smile, "he congratulated me for my victory during the first task," he added with a shy chuckle. Not often he would get praised for an accomplishment he had in school by a guardian, all of this was so refreshing for him. A little frown came between his eyebrows, Sirius warning him to be careful about the Dumstrang students, but the frown was gone and he turned his gaze to Wendy, "he says he's still very thankful for helping him out and to wait for a letter to come."

Michael glanced at his sister wondering if she had a part in freeing the man. He could only guess, for now, that she would have done everything she could to help out one of her favourite characters. But with that thought many concerns came to surface, were they even allowed to interfere so much with the plot of the story?

"It was a pleasure and I'll be waiting for the letter," she said happily. Just like Harry, she didn't have many people to write letters to. Before her brother appeared out of nowhere, she was alone in that world, and it often made her feel quite lonely. However, nice people such as Hagrid wrote little notes to send over via owl, just so she could receive something like everyone else was.

She didn't know what the letter from Sirius was about, nor how much Sirius knew about her, but she was so excited for a letter from outside Hogwarts addressed solely to her, that she didn't mind at all what it was for.

Harry continued to read his letter with a smile, private things were probably written on it at that point and everyone gave him space to enjoy his letter in peace. Hermione couldn't help but think over Sirius' words.

"What's wrong with the Dumstrang's?" She asked.

"What is not wrong with them?" Ron asked unbothered to even open his eyes.

Ginny sensed a difference in Ron's comment and looked around to see if anyone has noticed it too, but the only person to meet her eyes was Wendy, who did know. Wendy smiled at the girl and gave her a small nod, which Ginny could only guess it was to acknowledge the fact that there was something different with Ron.

Ginny turned back looking at the ceiling, which was what most of them were doing anyways, when small footsteps came from the entrance.

"Hello, Mr. Potter and his friends," a little stuttering voice said.

Harry sat up and greeted the elf with a smile, "hello, Dobby."

Little greetings came from the others too, or those who had the strengths enough to do it anyways.

"Dobby is here to bring hot chocolate for Mr. Potter and his friends," he said before snapping his fingers and a load full of mugs with cocoa, whipped cream, and cinnamon appeared with biscuits by their side, "it's to gain energy!"

Hermione was the first to stand up and get her mug, "thank you so much, Dobby, you really didn't have to!"

"It's nothing!" He said happily, "Dobby saw all of you very tired walking back to the dormitory and Dobby had to do something."

Ron gorged himself with biscuits before he thanked the elf with a mouthful, while Ginny, used to the brother, smiled at the elf. Wendy stood up from her seat and walked towards the little elf.

"Hello," she said putting out her hand, "I'm Wendy Stone, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Dobby smiled with enthusiasm and looked over at Harry, "I like her!" and proceeded to shake the girl's hand, "My name is Dobby the elf— Dobby brought Ms. Wendee Stown cocoa."

Wendy grabbed her mug and smiled at the elf, "with cinnamon and whipped cream," she tried a sip, "my absolute favourite."

Dobby chuckled and walked away mumbling words like "It's her favourite! Dobby is the best hot chocolate maker! Dobby will make more!"

Wendy laughing came back to her seat and enjoyed her cocoa.

"You probably made his day," Harry said.

"He deserves praise for his hard work," Wendy said sipping her drink.

"He deserves so much more than praise," Hermione whispered.

"You're right," Michael said with a cheeky smile, "do you have plans on doing anything about it?"

Hermione pondered on it for a while, not noticing the looks between Michael and his sister. Wendy would have reprimanded her brother for interfering, which was a habit of hers too, but fortunately enough for him, it was time to go to dinner and they all decided to walk there together. They met Neville halfway, apparently he came from an extended practice of his own, but wouldn't admit it was for dance and insisted it was for DADA.

It was a lovely night with friends and everyone enjoyed their supper not bothered by any evil. Although, Wendy's mind wondered to the future to come from time to time, and Michael knew she wasn't going to stand down and do nothing. But how far was she willing to go?

A cold shiver came through his back as he thought of the worse things that Wendy was planning to do to save her new friends. But as she was planning to save people, he did the same to keep her safe from harm.

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