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Aoi Ishiki

Nothing's better than the feeling of the wind drifting around me. Its calming breeze makes my tacky uniform blouse sway on my back. My long blonde hair is flying all throughout the surface. I feel like God at this very moment on. I spread out my arms and look up to the clear blue sky.

Daichi's speed driving skills with the motorbike is amazing. The traffic isn't really a bother in this town but it feels like we didn't even stop at all. My small godly moment ends as soon as we arrive at the school gate. I frown and whimper when I heard the engine stopping.

"I don't want to go to school, Daichi," I say, refusing to hop out from the bike. My brother untangles the strap of his helmet and groans. "If you don't get out, I'll smash this helmet to your face."

"As if you would," I challenge him jokingly. He glares at me through the side mirror. I let out a little laugh and finally hop out of the bike.

"Don't kill anyone, Aoi," he reminds before driving away.

I go straight towards the stairway that is situated at the edge of the hallway. People rarely pass there due to the haunting rumors. I rest my butt on the first step and close my eyes. Maybe I can squeeze in some sleep before class.

"Ishiki-san!" A woman calls out. I stand up and turn around to see a teacher, Ms. Kageyama, standing a few steps above me.

"Good Morning, Sensei," I greet in response and bow. She flashes me a smile and puts a hand on my head. "Can I ask you a favor, Ishiki-san?" I nod instinctively, then she steps down on my level, and cups both of my hands in her grasp.

"Could you please hand in today's notes and assignments to Yamada-san's home? He's been missing lots of classes lately," she requests. Who the hell is Yamada? I've never heard or seen him. Fulfilling a teacher's request would be a nice thing though. Something I haven't done.

"Sure, but I don't know where he lives," I respond. Her eyes gleam in happiness when she heard me. She takes out an index card from her bag and hands it to me.

The card has a 1x1 picture of a boy. His eyes are round and big, it evokes such a gentle face. Written under the picture are his contact details and address. Oh yeah, we had to pass this on the second day of class. It's already been two weeks and I don't think I ever gave one.

Just like that, Ms. Kageyama leaves the stairs. Damn it, that means I have to attend all the classes today and listen. No, I should do this and prove to myself, I can be responsible.

I climb up the stairs and walk towards our classroom. The hallway towards there is narrow, on the right are the rooms and across it are a series of jalousie windows.

I take off my shoes and put them on a shelf outside our classroom, then I proceed inside. It didn't take long until Ms. Mori arrives in the room and greets the class. We greet back and bow in unison then the class officially starts. She starts off talking about the recent happenings concerning the class – mostly about me beating up people. I drift off to my thoughts as I recall my past brawls in my previous school.

Several subjects pass on and I achingly work myself up with copying notes for the first time. Every teacher that witnesses it would give me an appreciative nod. For the first time this semester, I actually learned something. Such as that, I'm fairly good with projectile motions in Physics. It pleased me because only a few got it the first time.

When dismissal came, I immediately dash away from the room and slip in my shoes. I sprint as fast as I could on the stairs but I stop when I heard hurried footsteps following me.

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