Twenty-Four Hours Earlier...

AMBER let out a sigh as the curtain covering her bed was pulled aside, revealing a set of vivid green eyes that belonged to a woman whose advanced years had not diminished her strength and determination.

"It is time to wake up, girl." She gestured to the windows as she spoke. The woman pulled the curtains as far apart as was necessary before Amber could object, allowing the bright morning sunlight to flood the room. It gave Amber a migraine. She covered her face with her hand out of instinct to protect herself from the blinding light.

"How are you, milady?"

With a groan, she eased herself into a sitting position. "Terrible, thanks to you."

"You're just lazy. I need to spank you more often."

Amber looked at her middle-aged maid, who had been more like a mother to her than anyone else, and forced a meek smile. Many years had passed since Ruth first began serving her mother when she was just a young girl, and Ruth continued to love and care for Amber even after her mother passed away, giving birth to her. Ruth had since raised Amber with an even greater amount of love. Ruth was the mother she never had, and Amber couldn't be more grateful to have her.

"I started bleeding yesterday. You know how I feel when that happens."

Ruth put her hands around her waist. "Is it a coincidence that you begin to bleed after I swear to spank you?"

Amber laughed and stood. "Fine, I'm not bleeding yet. But I will soon, so please don't spank me."

Ruth laughed and shook her head, then smiled. "That's what I want to see, my child." She said. "That beautiful smile."

Amber lightly stroked Ruth's shoulders. "Thank you, Ruth."

They exchanged long glances filled with unspoken words, knowing that the gratitude was for more than just not being spanked.

"Did you sleep well?" Ruth asked.

With a nod, Amber headed to the restroom to cleanse her face, while Ruth started gathering the bedspread.

"Good. I would hate to be all by myself today. I missed you yesterday, going to the market on my own. That couch looked so enormous and roomy without you."

Amber straightened from the washing basin and walked into the room. "If I can recall correctly, you insisted I stay in bed."

Ruth raised her thin shoulders in a shrug. "What could I have done? You were running a temperature. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you, and peradventure your betrothed returns and finds you ailing. I would be in trouble!"

Amber's expression became sad. If only Ruth realized the impact of the words she just said.

Her betrothed. She almost burst into mock laughter.

"What betrothed? The one I have been awaiting for five years? Or the one I have never met?" She asked sarcastically, then snapped her fingers. "Oh, that's right, they are the same, the one and only." She finished bitterly.

Ruth looked skeptically at Amber. "Oh, dear heavens, girl. What is the matter with you today?"

Amber sighed. She shook her head sadly. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them away. "It's my birth anniversary tomorrow, Ruthie. I will be twenty-five years old." She whispered the second half of her statement.

Ruth didn't need the reminder. She had been present when Amber was born, and her birth anniversary was ingrained in her memory. And how could Ruth not know Amber's age? After all, she was going to surprise her with a gift that had been on her mind ever since her mother died.

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