"That's really great, Jessica." Bella said.

"Are you going to prom?" Jessica asked

"No." Bella replied. "I'm visiting my mom in Jacksonville."

"Aww, that sucks." Jessica said.

"Yeah." said Bella.

A few minutes later, Bella and Brianna were walking out of the greenhouse. Edward came up to them. "Look Bella. We shouldn't be friends." He said. "And Brianna, you shouldn't be friends with Alice and Rosalie.

"Well, it's a little too late for that." Bella said.

"Why didn't you just let the van crush us?" Brianna typed. "And save yourself all this regret."

"You think me and Alice regret saving you guys?" Edward asked.

"We can see that you do." Bella said.

"You don't know anything." Edward said.

"Hi Bri." Alice said as she and Jasper approached them. "Are you guys riding with us?"

"No. Our bus is full." Edward said.

"I'll ride with you." Brianna typed. "I want to ask you something." Alice smiled at Brianna.

Brianna got on the bus with Edward, Alice, and Jasper, while Bella boarded another.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" Alice asked Brianna as the bus drove back to the school. They were sitting next to each other on the bus.

"How did you and your brother get over to me and Bella so quickly yesterday?" Brianna typed.

"Like Edward told you guys, it was an adrenaline rush." Alice answered.

"I don't believe that." Brianna typed. "We saw you guys. You guys were on the other side of the lot. There's no way you could get to us that fast."

"I don't know what to tell you, Brianna. That's what it was." Alice replied. "And if I recall, you guys were looking at Bella's truck, so you couldn't of known we were across the lot." Brianna sighed and gave up. She took a book out of her backpack and read for the rest of the drive.

After they got back to the school, Bella and Brianna headed over to Bella's truck. "You don't believe what Edward said, do you?" Brianna asked.

"No." Bella said.

"I tried to ask Alice about it on the bus, but she said the same thing." Brianna typed.

"There's something odd about them." Bella said. "And I want to know what it is."

"Me too." Brianna typed.

"I think Dr. Cullen knows something about what happened yesterday." Bella said.

"Why do you think that?" Brianna asked.

"When I mentioned how quickly Edward and Alice got over to us, he just had a weird expression on his face and couldn't look at me." Bella said. "And he ignored my comment."

"Can you drive me to the hospital?" Brianna asked.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked.

"I want to talk to him about it." Brianna typed. "And I need to ask him something."

"Hop in." Bella said. Brianna got in the truck and Bella got in the truck.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. "Do you mind waiting?" Brianna asked. "I won't be long."

"Yeah. Sure." Bella said. Brianna got out of the truck and walked inside. She asked a nurse where Carlisle's office was and headed there. She knocked on the door. She walked in when he heard him say come in.

"Brianna, what are you doing here?" Carlisle asked, surprised.

"I need to ask you something." Brianna typed.

"Are you alright?" Carlisle asked, concerned. "Is your head still hurting?"

"I'm fine." Brianna typed.

"What did you want ask me, then?" Carlisle asked.

"I know you know something about what me and Bella said about Edward and Alice." Brianna typed.

"What makes you think that?" Carlisle asked.

"Bella told me that when she said something about it yesterday, you couldn't look at her and basically ignored her comment." Brianna typed.

"What did Edward tell her when she talked to him?" Carlisle asked.

"That we hit our heads and were confused." Brianna said.

"Maybe you guys were confused." Carlisle said. "Alice and Edward did say you guys hit your heads. And you did faint."

"I wasn't unconscious the entire time. We know what we saw." Brianna typed. "Edward and Alice were standing on the other side of the lot from us and then they were next to us. Edward pushed the van away with his hand. He left a dent in the van."

"Brianna, I wasn't there, so I can't tell you what you saw or didn't see." Carlisle said.

Brianna sighed. "Can I ask you something else?" She typed, changing the subject.

"Sure." Carlisle said.

"Why have you been so nice to me since I moved here." Brianna typed. "I'm just someone who's friends with your kids and you barely know."

"I feel very protective of you." Carlisle said. "I have since I first met you."

"Why?" Brianna typed.

"I can't really explain it." Carlisle said. "I just do."

Brianna sighed. "I gotta go." She typed. "I'll see you around."

"Brianna, I'm sorry I can't explain all this to you." Carlisle said. "It's just complicated."

"Yeah. Whatever." Brianna typed. She walked out of the office and went out of the hospital, getting in Bella's truck.

"Did he say anything about it?" Bella said.

"Of course he didn't. He just said what Alice and Edward said." Brianna typed. Bella nodded. "Can you drop me off at my house?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah." Bella said. She started the truck and drove off.

The Mute Girl( A Twilight fanfic & a Carlisle love story)Where stories live. Discover now