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It was late in the night, the moon hung steady in the sky. All of the Pride Lands was fast asleep, even a certain lion and honey badger. They slept close together, Kion sprawled on the cave floor, snoring loudly while Bunga snuggled close to him, curled into a tight blue ball. While Kion continued sleeping soundly Bunga's ear flicked and he stirred a bit from his sleep.

The badger opened one eye and saw a blur dash across his vision. Bunga, now awake, blinked and looked around again to see that their den was empty, excluding him and Kion. Seeing that there was nothing there Bunga began to think that he was just having one of those crazy dream things that Ono was talking about once. He yawned and closed his eyes, pressing close to the lion's warm fur and sighed wearily.

Kion was a in a deep sleep, exhausted from the all the patrolling and problems they he and Bunga had to solve that day. He stirred a bit feeling Bunga press against him but ultimately stayed fast asleep.

Unknown to the sleeping mammals, there was someone lurking around the outside of their den. They had nearly been spotted by Bunga and was now making sure both were in a deep sleep before they made their move.

Bunga was sleeping soundly, just like Kion, when something grabbed at his leg and began to quickly drag him. Snapping from his dreams, Bunga struggled against the grip but it was no good.

"Kion! Help!", Bunga cried out as he was dragged out of the den and carried off by the kidnapper's apparent cohorts. Kion's ears flicked and he jumped up at high alert at the sound of Bunga calling for help. He looked around the den and noticed the badger in question was nowhere to be seen. Kion bolted out of the den just in time to see in the distance a yelling Bunga being carried off by some shadowy animals. All the exhaustion and fatigue Kion felt was immediately replaced with adrenaline and anger. Kion flexed his claws and raced down Pride Rock, jumping onto the savanna grass below. He took off in the direction of the kidnappers, he kept his eyes ahead at them, fearing that he would lose sight of Bunga and lose him for good.

While he was running, a million questions were running through Kion's head. What was going on? Who were these assailants? And why were they doing this? As he was running across the savanna, Kion realized that he was getting closer and closer to the Outlands.

To both Kion and Bunga's surprise the kidnappers crossed over the border and stopped in their tracks. Bunga was released from the enemy's grip, falling harshly to the ground. "Hey, what's going on?" The honey badger dropped on all four of his paws and stood threateningly against the unknown foes with Kion quickly running close beside.

"Bunga! You alright!?", Kion asked, not taking his eyes off the shadowed figures.

"Well my leg hurts, but other than that I'm just fine", Bunga grinned at the lion. "But someones gonna get it for literally dragging me out of my den!", he challenged, turning to face the foes.

"Well, it's a shame you didn't like our little surprise. But please tell me, where you scared?", a familiar voice asked.

"Oh, really?", the honey badger groaned. "Are you serious?"

"Seriously, Dogo", Kion groaned. "I thought we were done with this."

"You may be, but I felt I had to pull one last grand escapade. One that involved, mystery. Danger. A classic story of a damsel stolen away in the unholy shadows of the night! And the dashing prince risking life and limb to save the love of his life", Dogo pranced and sidestepped while explaining in a dramatic voice. "But it is a shame that it ended so soon, isn't that right boys?" The two other jackals accompanying Dogo nodded in agreement. "So, I simply must know, what did you two think?"

"Stay away from our den", Bunga said flatly, turning to walk away.

"If you do anything like this ever again I'll Roar you to the snowy mountains", Kion threatened with a tired voice. He turned around to follow the badger back home.

"Huh. I should have known such an act would be wasted on the two of them. Hmmm, but it is about time that I find someone knew to enact my epic tales. Come on boys, I'm sure there are a more than a few hyenas who need some peril in their lives", Dogo commanded.

He and his cohorts ventured deeper in the Outlands, looking for others. While the two jackals that walked with Dogo wanted nothing more than to cause trouble, Dogo himself truly believed that it was up to him to create some drama and conflict in these peaceful, dull and boring times. As Kion and Bunga trudged back home they felt pity for whoever would become the next victim of Dogo's 'help'.

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