Right Here

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Kion stood alone on Pride Rock looking out towards the sunset. He sighed to himself and flicked his tail in annoyance. 

"Hey, Kion! Where-- There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you!", Bunga panted as he rushed up to the silent lion. 

"Kion? Are you alright?", Bunga asked. 

"I messed up again..", Kion growled to himself. 

"Huh?", Bunga asked in confusion. 

"The mission!", Kion snapped, turning to face the badger behind him.  "I was supposed to use  the Roar to blast Janja away but I put the antelope in danger."

"It's not your fault. They were so far away how were any of supposed to know that they were in the path?", Bunga shrugged, hoping his optimism would help easy the tension. 

"But this isn't the first time I've messed up with the Roar. It's happened some many times. So many times I've put others in danger or hurt others by accident....", Kion sighed to himself. "I'm supposed to be the leader of the Lion Guard and make things better." 

"And you do", Bunga defended. 

"I don't know Bunga. I used to think that the Roar has been more trouble than it's worth.  But maybe the problem is me. Maybe I was never fit to wield the Roar. I mean if I can't even use this power right, then what's the point of having it?", Kion said dejected, turning around back towards the sunset. 

"Hey!", Bunga stomped towards Kion and walked around him to face him. "Sure you make mistakes but so does everyone!" Kion only sniffed in response and Bunga continued.

"But the mistakes shouldn't be the things you focus on. Do you remember the reason why we formed the Guard in the first place? It's to defend the Pride Lands and help those who are in danger. Sure we make mistakes but we've never failed in defending the Pride Lands and solving any problem with can with or without the Roar. You can let it get you down. I mess up all the time, someone's always trying to change me. They want me to be more mature, or quieter but I like who I am. And I like who you are, Kion. You're not prefect and I don't want to be. We're gonna make mistakes. Sometimes the Roar is gonna mess up and sometimes I'll get on others nerves. But all that matters that we both get better together", Bunga said. He wanted Kion to know that things like this were not such a big deal. 

"I guess you're right..", Kion said, looking over at Bunga. Bunga leaned forward and hugged Kion's leg. 

"And I don't like it when you say things like that", Bunga said, leaning forward to hug Kion's leg. "I love ya just the way you are, Ki." 

"Thanks, Bunga", Kion smiled. He was glad that he had someone like him who could always be there to stop him when he did things like this. He and Bunga sat in silence and watched the sunset together, just enjoying the view of the Pride Lands they defended together. 

Bunga and Kion OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now