"Demetri, I'd like for you to meet my friends I've told you about, this is Brienna and her girlfriend Raye," Trisha introduces and as she spoke Raye felt Brie grabbing onto her arm, pulling their bodies closer.

"Oh, hey, lovely to meet you," He says extending his long hand and Brienna was the first to take it.

"It's nice meeting you too Demetri."

"Love the places," Raye says, shaking his hand firmly and he squints.

"Thank you. Have we met before or something because I swear you have such a familiar face?" He asked, trying his best to place where exactly he'd seen the girl dressed differently from the others from. She was beautiful and so was her girlfriend he thought, feeling himself beginning to get hard at the sinful things that were being provoked within his head.

"It's a small world so you never know," Raye answers smoothly and he chuckles. "That it is." Sparing a few seconds glance away from them he looks around the room before planting his gaze back unto the four girls.

"Anyway, it was nice meeting you two ladies. Unwind, relax, drink. I hope you lovelies enjoy the party."

"I'm sure they will." Answers Trish.
With a hand placed on her shoulder for a second, Demetri smiles before disappearing into the crowd of people down the staircase. After he's gone, Trish turns to the two girls who observes her in silence.

"I know what you're both thinking and no, he and I were never a thing nor do we intend to be. We went to the same high school but he was a few years older, we became acquainted through a mutual friend and we've recently reconnected."

Raye laughs but Brienna didn't and for that, she spared her a stern look that made her quiet down. "Why do you feel the need to explain that?" Brie asks.

"I know how the human mind works, and because Mia and Ava were accusing me of having something with him."

"It's true," the girl who had been rocking away to the music quietly says causing Raye to laugh again.

"Anyway, we'll go get some drinks for you guys. We left Ava and her boyfriend somewhere around with Chris, hopefully, we find them."

"Sure, we'll be here." Said Brie.

When they had left she turns to Raye who was gazing at her with a flirtatious manner. She blushes a bit. Raye wraps her hand around her waist, feeling the heat beneath her palm due to the thin fabric of the black dress she wore. She caresses her with her thumb.

"If looks could get someone pregnant I would've been full-term by now," Brienna leans in to say due to the music. Raye leans her forehead against her and then kisses her quickly on the cheek.

"I should be saying the same to you, don't you think I've seen the side glances you've been giving to me?"
Brienna laughs, cupping the sides of her girlfriend's face and bringing their lips together gently. They kissed for a bit, ignoring the stares they probably received from those that were too nosey down below.

"Wow, I can't believe you two came all the way here to do that." Ava's voice breaks through to their private time and they both untangled their lips to find a few pairs of eyes looking at them.
Beside the blonde was her boyfriend whom Raye had seen once before and that was months ago. Keith seemed different at this point. His composure and facial expression were enough to tell her that he was bored, maybe even tired. Christopher, however, had a grin on his face which she soon reciprocates. She and Brienna both went around greeting the rest of their friends, but Keith was the only who seemed a bit hostile to greet them.
Everyone seemed to notice it but pays no attention, though it was evident his behaviour affected Ava more.

They soon locate Mia and Trish who returned with their drinks and the beginning of a wonderful night begins.
Mia found the music more invigorating than anyone else at first until she was able to hype the rest of them up to dance along with the growing crowd who did. Everyone but Brienna and Raye swayed away.

Something changed though because after a while Raye drags Brie off into the crowd of their dancing friends who cheered and whistled, excited to see the Raye of all people bust a move for the first time. She even impresses Brie who rode against her body to the music with a look of utter amazement. It's not that she'd never seen her girlfriend dance but she'd never witnessed her do it in public before. Countless times in the past she'd tagged along with Brie and her friends to clubs and bars but she never danced for them to see until now and it was fun while it lasted.

Then they all grew weary and flocked the bar inside and found themselves drinks. There they continued dancing and talking, and only those that were aware of what was happening realized that Mia and Ava had slipped away, leaving Keith whom no longer portrayed that thick wall of attitude from earlier thanks to the alcohol within his system.

Some time went by unknown to them all as he slipped away to find Ava and Mia dancing a little too seductively with each other and he was infuriated at the sight, pushing Ava away from Mia, startling them both. His action drew the attention of some individuals but no one intervenes.

"You're sick, both of you!" He screeches at both girls. His anger, however, was directed mainly to his girlfriend.
For months he continued to see her hoping that she'd realize her mistake and perhaps change but she didn't, refusing to break off the thing she had going on with her friend.

Ava tried explaining to him that they were only dancing but he knew there was more to it than what the naked eye could see, so he lashes out, refusing to listen. Taking her by the wrist, he starts to drag her away from the other girl staring dumbfounded. Quickly Mia runs off to get the rest of her friends, quaking at the thought of the obviously drunk Keith potentially harming Ava.

She finds them all where she and Ava had left them. Approaching, she draws their attention and immediately Chris and Raye notice her scowl.

"Something's wrong?" Asked the level headed one of them all, having to raise her voice a bit in order to ask her question. "It's Keith, he seems upset."

"What?" Brienna asked, both herself and Trish perking up too.

"Ava and I were dancing a minute ago and he just comes up and shoves her away from me, then he left with her."

No more needed to be said as Chris is the first to leap off into the direction that comes to mind the couple could possibly be. The others follow him, Brienna holding the hand of Raye as tight as she could.

. . .

They found them arguing some distance away from the house and immediately Raye and Christopher apprehended the dirty blonde who was beginning to get handsy with the girl.
Chris slowly pushes him away trying to talk sense into his ear while Raye puts herself between them and Ava.
She was crying and her two friends Brienna and Trish did their best to console her while Mia stays away.

The situation had appeared to be under control but soon erupts when Keith pushed Chris away. With gritted teeth, he starts to yell,

"None of you have the right to intervene because none of you has a clue what the fuck is happening,"
He spits but in actuality, everyone except for Trish knew what was happening.

"That's no reason to justify treating your girl like crap," Christopher chimes.

"Yeah? At least your girl hasn't been fucking Mia for months," he says and Trisha is the only one who reacts.
She gasps quietly, covering her mouth.
Mia sighs, closing her eyes and trying to centre her breathing. Raye and Brienna were both upset that he aired out the issue like that but says nothing.

"Whatever the reason, be a man and not a coward, don't touch her like that."

"Fuck you, bro!" Keith shoves Christopher and he stumbles back.
He took that for a sign of weakness and tried hitting him again but Christopher was ready and lounges his fist directly to his jaw, sending him to the ground in seconds. Brienna, Trish and Ava were horrified, while Mia along with Raye stood staring unfazed at the now unconscious guy, with Christopher standing over him flexing his knuckles.

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