23. Gray

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Junhee wakes up earlier than habit, his mind just has a thousand things runnings in circles that he couldn't fall as sleep

If he could forget.

If he could get amnesia and forget that yesterday ever happened he will do it.

But he can't change anything

He can hear Donghun's soft snoring from his room, Junhee just couldn't sleep with him and took the sofa

He grabs his gray hoodie and glasses and leaves the house

I left to go pick up some
items at home
today is our free
day but I need
to do something
I'll see you later

He closes his phone and decides to go look for the man that has manage to make everything so confusing once again

The weather is a bit gray today and it seems it might actually rain, Junhee grabs a taxi and makes his way to his University

There's only a few students since is Sunday and is only 7 a.m A really weird time to meet someone but Junhee had decided he wouldn't take too long

And just wanted to sort out his mind

But I choose him....

He thinks to himself and then he meets Minjae that is seating on a bench close by, in hand he's holding two cups of coffee

Junhee just takes a seat besides him


"Hi....." Jun replies not wanting to look at the man seating besides him

"Can we go for a walk?" Minjae asks and the other nods

Walking besides him, his mind and heart staying with a sleepy man back home. But his body wanting to hold the man besides him

Junhee feels a warmth feel on his tattoo, and knows Minjae can also feel it since he can't stop smiling at Junhee


Donghun is seating on his sofa, eating some kimchi soup that he prepared today.

The rest of the day Donghun decided to go shopping for some clothes since he needed new ones, did his groceries and got his hair done,  dying it to a lighter brown

Junhee hasn't texted him all day and Donghun decides to just give him his space, When he woke up today he found him self alone on his bed. In a way he truly missed having the younger wrap on his arms when the alarm goes off. Donghun has gotten  used to the younger by now

Then suddenly the door unlocks and he sees Junhee walking in, he's holding a paper bag as he makes his way to the living room to where Donghun is seating

"Hi, I brought some pastries....", Junhee says as he raises the paper bag

"Thanks, there's still some soup on the stove if you're hungry", Donghun says with a smile, feeling truly content to see his favorite person besides him

"Thank you hyung but I already ate...", Junhee says his voice sounding a bit tired and his boyfriend catches on this

"Busy day today?" Donghun asks and the other just nods, just then a single tear falls from Jun's eye

Making Donghun open his eyes in confusing and he freezes for a few seconds before he reacts,

"Jun! oh god are you okay?!", and with his thumb he wipes off the tear, his heart aching when he sees this

"hyung... I'm sorry... yesterday....", Junhee tries to control his self and now finally turns to see his hyung, "At the party I met someone...."

And Donghun gets a cold chill all over his back, he already doesn't like the expression on Jun's face

"What happened?", Donghun asks his hand move to grab the younger's hands

"I met Minjae.... and he kissed me...", Junhee  says as he lowers his eyes, Donghun becomes everything at this moment. Scare of what that kiss even meant, angry at this man for kissing his boy...and sad that Junhee allowed it

He gets up and starts to pace slowly around the living room, his mind all over the place. Him refusing to look at Junhee

"What?..." is the only question he can let himself speak

"Hyung, we were talking he said sorry a thousand times throughout the night for everything...we were just talking and then he kissed me...but I pushed him away, he knows I'm with you...he knows!" Jun says and he rushes to Donghun's side, his small soft hands grabbing his boyfriend's face

"Your soulmmate is back...you were with him",  and once again fear takes a toll on Donghun

Is happening once again....again

Donghun keeps thinking and Jun tries to get his attention

"No! I don't care about him, I want you Donghun!", Junhee says firmly looking at him, "The kiss was a mistake and I am sorry I let him do it....but I saw him today, and asked him to not speak to me ever again, please believe me", Junhee says, a few hot tears are now running down his cheeks and Donghun looks at the man in front of him

The beautiful person that he loves so much

"I believe you but he's your.... he's back because is meant to be.....", Donghun says and even before Jun can say something

A horrible sting comes from his hand, numbing his whole arm

"Aaagh....", is all he can say before falling to the ground, kneeling in front of Donghun

Donghun immediately kneels and with a worry look grabs his boyfriend hand, "Does it hurt?"

After a few seconds, the pain is gone and Jun can only nod. Still a thumbing sensation remains

"Is fine now....but hyung I truly love you... Please forgive me, Minjae means nothing to me now" Jun confesses

And Donghun can only nod and hug his boyfriend, neither say anything and just stay in each other arms. Yearning to be able to go back to the first night together, when they were dancing on that rooftop

Believing, their story, could be possible

Donghun knows better

Is always the same

So he wants to make the best of their time together.

In Donghun's mind he knows that he can't go against Soulmate tattoo and destiny

But at this moment he wishes with all of his heart, that he has that pretty sunflower tattoo, that Minjae had stay on New York.....and that he did not hear Junhee's voice trembled when he said that Minjae meant nothing

"I trust you....", Donghun whispers as he kisses the top of his head

I do.....

He thinks to himself.

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum