19. Rain

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Junhee kept his promise.

And for most of the following nights he spent them at Donghun's house. That even Junhee got them matching pajamas saying they needed a couple's item. Also, as he had said previously, now some of his school books laid around Donghun's house and some of his clothes now hung at Donghun's closet

His dad thought that maybe that they were moving a little too fast. And in fact neither had asked the question. But both replied the same answers when asked

Are you single? no....
You two, are a couple right? yes!

They became inseparable.

The younger keeps typing on his laptop as he is sitting on his boyfriend's bed, wearing that soft bear pajama, his fingers moving so fast as he tries to type out his ideas before they go away

Donghun is going through Twitter trying to occupy his time on something since the other is too busy at the moment

"Hyung....", Junhee calls for him


"I'm hungry" the younger says his eyes still too focus on the screen

"Want me to cook something for you?" Donghun asks already getting up remembering what he has on his fridge

"Lets go buy a snack", now Junhee looks at his boyfriend with a smitten look

"But is almost eleven p.m.." Donghun says worry that it will be really hard to wake up Junhee tomorrow

"Yes, I just need to cool down my mind... I've been working on this assignment for over four hours...", Jun says already getting up and leaving the room. Donghun just smiles and nods following behind

The night is a bit cold and there's now only few people walking out. Donghun feels a bit shy that they're out in the street walking with their matching pajama, he feels the eyes of the people walking by, on them. As Junhee keeps holding his hand, their fingers intertwine

"Sweetie, I bet we look funny...." Donghun says seeing that the convenience store is just a block away

"I know, is a bit funny...but jokes on them...we are cozy", Jun says proudly and leans a bit closer to Hun.

"They are wearing jackets sweetie", the older says

"Well... I have a lovely boyfriend...I win", Jun replies and Donghun blushes with a love stuck smile on his face as he kisses Jun's head

"Silly" and Jun giggles

When they arrive at the store Jun decides on an apple juice and chocolate chip cookies. Donghun grabs some matcha pocky and other candy

Once out Donghun grabs the bag and Jun immediately grabs his hand

When they arrive home Jun sits on the bed as some late night show keeps playing on the TV on the bedroom, the bag of snacks also seating on the bed, Donghun moves to seat besides him

"These are delicious!" Jun happily comments as he eats the pocky from the cardboard box, Donghun nods. He already knew Jun would regret not getting them so he brought an extra box for Jun to take tomorrow

"They are....but I like the chocolate flavor better", Donghun says

"Here you can have these ones...."Jun says giving him the box of chocolate chip cookies

" how about a date this weekend?" Jun asks enthusiastic and suddenly

"Sure sweetie....lets plan something" Donghun replies

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن