20. Waves

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Donghun stays frozen behind the counter.

He just doesn't know what to do or continue with the  man's order that he made for an Americano on the other side of the counter.

A few seconds go by and soon Byeongkwan is besides Donghun his voice is soft that it only reaches his boss, "I'll take care of things here, go after him...."

Soon Donghun nods and after a thank you to the also nervous boy. He rushes out grabbing an umbrella by the door and starts to run towards the street his eyes scan the area. But still no sign of his boyfriend

He quickly starts dialing his cellphone as he makes his way  to the bus stop

Maybe he went home...?

Is the only place he can think of.

Please, tell me
you're ok
I'm worried
keep calling

Three more rings to reach his cellphone, only to be sent to the voice mail

Please I'm so worried


Where are you?

Are you ok?

I love you.
you know that right?

Everyone is worried.

Before Donghun realizes he's on the bus on his way to Jun's apartment. That's the only place he can think of going. After unanswered calls and text messages

He rings the bell for the guard to let him inside and after a few rings the guard finally opens the door for him to walk inside

His back is a bit wet and the bottom part of his jeans, so he is leaving a trace of footprints as he walks upstairs to reach Junhee's apartment

He rings once. twice.

And finally the door swings open.

There he is.

"Hyung...I....", but before he can say anything Donghun pulls him for a hug. Just the last few minutes were full of anxiety and worry so he needs to feel him to make sure those feelings can go away

"let me just hold you for a few minutes sweetie ok", Donghun whispers to Junhee's ear and the other pulls him closer

Once inside Junhee excuses himself to take a shower since running in the rain can bring for him to catch a cold, mean while Donghun texts the others that Junhee is fine and he'll see them  later.

The house is a bit quite, only the sound from the shower is heard.

Once the bathroom door is open, Jun comes rushing out of the bathroom and seats besides him

"I'm sorry....I had my phone on silent didn't notice your messages...", Jun starts to explain

"I see...but you left the Cafe in a hurry....is everything ok? What happened?", Donghun asks his eyes showing concern

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