6. First Day

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The couch on the side window of the café is being occupy by Jun's new boss and two boys that are talking to him

Jun walks in and bows just enough to show friendliness to them

"Good morning, thank you for having me", Jun says out of nervousness, being his first day he wants to leave a good impression, "I'm ready for day one" he says and now looks at the others. Donghun just nods a bit confuse and his other two colleagues just smirk at him

"Well great, lets begin then...." Donghun gets up and signals for Jun to seat, so he does, " Well now these will be our staff for now, since we're only four, we will all be in charge of the cleaning and closing of the place, the shop opens at 9 and closes at 5..." Donghun says as he looks at the boys

"Um, Mr. Lee I thought this shop is open until 10?" The tall boy says seating in Jun's right

"Yes...after 5 I stay only just a few customers come by so I can handle that....I know you three must leave at 4 for University" Donghun says and all three nod, "my brother comes by at night to be here and help....so that's why you're only require from 8 until 4..." he says

He moves to the back room, and when he comes out he has four bags in his hand. He gives each one of them a bag

Jun opens it and finds inside a black apron with a pretty sunflower on the righ side, under it in colorful letters LEE COFFEE HOUSE is written. A small pin with Junhee written on it

"A white polo, white T or white dress shirt is require and clean shoes...and to wear these everyday....now please introduce yourself" after Donghun's words he signals them and the tall boy gets up first to speak

"My name is Kang Yuchan, nice to meet you", he bows a little and smiles so big that his eyes also smile with him, "I'm currently studying to be a vet, I play soccer at my school's team and I'm from Jeju....pleasure to meet you all", he bows once again and takes a seat

Before Jun could think of going next, the other boy gets up immediately

"Hi", he bows, "I'm Kim Byeongkwan...I'm also on the soccer team with him, I'm studying english and this is my first job" he then seats, smiling just enough to show he's polite

"I guess is my turn" Junhee says and Donghun looks at him making him feels a bit more nervous for some reason, "I'm Park Junhee, I'm also going to university, I'm from the country side and I've move to Seoul two years ago...please to meet you, let's get along" he says and bows

Donghun bows back at them, "Lets all get along and  let's get going" Donghun says with a nervous heart


The clock strikes 3 p.m., and the boys are blowing balloons to make an arrangement for the entrance, and Junhee is on the back room making a list of the items in the storage room

"So you almost done?" Donghun asks as he looks at him from the doorway

"Yes sir, just need to add a few more items..."

"Just call me Donghun please...sir makes me feel a bit too old..." he says with a serious face

"Oh ok....Donghun" Junhee says shyly to which the older just smiles, "I'm really nervous for tomorrow, you know customers and everything" Jun says and starts to make his way out of the room

"Don't be, after today...you learned the menu really fast and you have a talent, you'll be good" the words just flow out of the Donghun's mouth. He had always being an introvert that founded it hard to start conversation but with Jun...he felt at ease

Maybe is because he needs to speak to him and the other two boys since they'll be seeing each other all week long....

Who knows....

"Um, Donghun" Jun's words awake Donghun from his thoughts


"Um here, this is for you" Jun holds his hand in front Donghun, a small red wooden box in his palm

Donghun hesitates a little but grabs it, his curiosity makes him open it really fast. Inside he finds a small cute golden  maneki neko that he takes out

"Is really cute" he says placing it beside the cashier

"Is a thank you gift for yesterday....you saved me and just wanted this to bring many customers in your shop" Jun says blushing a bit feeling a bit awkward

"Thank you....I'm sure it'll help lots" Donghun says a content look on his face

Jun wishes he could see this happy face from his boss.

He looks more handsome when he smiles.

Or so he thinks.

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