2. Jun

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The same gray clouds keep floating in the sky as Junhee grabs his luggage from his bed, he turns around and looks at his room, he has live here for more than twenty years so it feels a bit strange to leave now.

"Son, do you have everything with you?" His father's words are heard from down stairs, Jun takes a look at his room and takes it all in and walks down stairs

"Yes I think I do... I can't believe I'm actually doing this...." Jun says with a shaky voice and his father grabs his hand,"is just that I think I am not ready..." he says and presses his father's hand

"You're a strong enough to be able to do anything....  Come on I'll drive you to your new place" he says and Jun nods.

He places his luggage on the back of the car, he will be living in a small studio in Seoul, so he only brings clothes, some old CDs, his books and a few other items.

After re thinking what he wanted to do with his life, moving to Seoul to have a fresh start in his life sounded like the best plan.

The drive is a bit quiet and just the radio plays quietly.

Jun looks at the scar in his left cheek, in the front mirror and grabs a small amount of foundation and cover it up.

"Does it hurt?" His father asks as he looks at his son

"No, just some make up to cover it up a little bit... don't want to scare my new work colleges.... I look like a thug" Jun says with a small laugh and his father gives him a quick angry look before moving his eyes on the road

"You're not a thug and that scar....god I wish...." his father's words sound a bit worry

"Dad is o.k. I'm better now, me moving to a new city, meeting new people is great I'm happy....I'm happy for a second chance....so please don't worry o.k." Jun says with an innocent smile and his dad nods.

Jun turns to the side, looking at the road besides him. Everything flashing like a fast forward movie, seeing and feeling like he can put everything behind him.

He then,  takes off the silver ring on his right hand, under the ring.... a small sunflower tattoo shows. So tiny one can miss it and believe his soul mate tattoo is the scar on his cheek.

To which Jun swallows back his emotions.

He places his hand upwards and looks at the small mark on his hand, the mark telling him that there's someone out there for him, to love and cherished him for ever. And he would do the same. Or so he dreamed about.

He places his ring back on his hand and covers the sunflower with the coldness of his silver ring.

"Hey look that's like the best place to have ramen.!!" Jun points at the small shop on the right side

"Hey how do you know this place?" Jun's father asks and Jun just smiles

"I used to come here a lot with my high school friends with the money you gave me..." and they park close by it

"Sounds great" Jun's father says as he opens the car door and both walk towards the restaurant

Jun believes that leaving his hometown at least for some time is what is best. He needs to feel like not everyone he meets is judging him or talking behind him.

I just want to forget.....

Jun tells himself and keeps playing with the ring on his hand as he walks inside the restaurant with his father.

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora