Dream looks at him happily leading him to the room where he can get dressed in his clothes, "Here, this will be your room!" After he opens the door he pivots on one foot to look at him again "Do you need anything else?" Cross softly shook his head "That will be all, thank you." He said, listening for Chara's voice just in case he had forgotten something, Dream soon left after Cross said he didn't need anything. Chara was just pissed off that Cross' positive emotions are making it hard for Chara to think, simply just assuming it's Dream's fault since Cross is always positive near Dream, "I can't focus with your hormones like this!" He grumbles annoyed. Cross grits his teeth forgetting how annoying and pissy the other one is, "Care to. —" he takes a pause to pinch the bridge of his nose "— further explain?" his fingers release the bridge of his nose. Cross was quickly growing tired of Chara whining and subconsciously trying to think of an idea to calm Chara down. Suddenly the younger decided to make the other uncomfortable to help dampen his mood by saying "You want to fuck the smaller yellow skeleton!" Chara said trying his best not to laugh, and he had to admit he completely forgot Dream's name. Also he didn't really believe it was love perhaps just lustful emotions on Cross' end but absolutely not love.

Cross groans loudly sitting frustrated on the bed wishing that Chara didn't know how he was feeling all the time, even if Chara just took a guess not really trying to feel what Cross was feeling. He grunts as he undoes his jacket saying "I suppose so, it confuses me as well." he rubs the back of his neck. Chara looks at Cross surprise the boy reacted like this and simply wanting to see this grow since well, there was nothing interesting that was happening or what will happen. So Chara suddenly suggests "You should try getting close to him!" Cross looks at Chara he nods before looking at the floor "I suppose that would be sensible especially in this situation, I should- but do you have any suggestions on how I should do this?" He then asks, for once he actually plans to take Chara's advice seriously. Chara knew the other needs help, so he will help him, "ask the emperor about himself, try to get to know him better, but also let him learn more about you!"

Cross nods softly, "thank you Chara, I-" he paused before speaking again surprised what he is about to say "-I appreciate your help." He said, deciding to actually give Chara's idea a try but it would be better if he waits til' later. He'd hate to bother Dream while he could he doing important emperor things. The last thing Cross wants is for Dream to hate him. Chara nods looking around the nice room, Dream was currently in a meeting, struggling to focus in such a task. Connor was at Dream's side before bending down next to Dream speaking softly "M'lord." The butler said as Dream responses with a "Yes Connor?"

Cross was now unsure what he should do now, he would usually wander off into the forest till he got a job similar to what happened today. So he got up and and scowers the room, searching for anything better to do. Outside of the doorway the hall was long and on the other side of Dream's room was a dark door which seemed out of place compared to the rest.

Speaking of Dream, Connor finally spits out what he wanted to say, "the farmers" he quietly said formally towards the king. However Dream was fed up with the meeting and abruptly standing up making the rest do so also. Dream didn't bother clearing his voice as he spoke loudly "We are dismissed." Connor stands back up straight "but sir what about-" Dream glares at Connor before aggressively slamming his hands onto the table "We are done here." Dream grits his teeth now looking down at the table his back slouched before standing back up and fixing his outfit "thank you." He quickly left, Dream was a person who is sweet and kind but when he is mad, you shouldn't get in his way. Dream, even if he is a caring person, can be scary.

Cross wasn't much of a snoop though people's things unlike a certain someone, so he left this door alone. He stayed inside of the room Dream places him in not going to any other room, just this one room. Dream soon goes into the hallway where some more politicians stood wanting a brief discussion with the king, Dream guides them down the hall too the main door making small talk about the politics that recently surfaced. Once they got to the door Dream waits calmly for them to leave once they do, he shuts the door groaning in displeasure that this is his life every day.

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