Stuff I need to say

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Okay, here I go.

More often than not the person you love the most is the person also hurting the most in the world, and when you discover this it will break you down to your core because you never expected for one person one awesome, amazing, person to be so scarred and broken and love this person will your whole heart and the mere thought of them getting hurt or shammed makes your blood boil and you see red, even though you know talking about it or hurting the person who hurt them won't help it will help you because you believed that it would help. But deep down you know that it won't it will just make things worse, but you do it anyway. Then you learn that the person you love is done with life....and it breaks you because it hurts so much to even think about life before them or without beg them to not take their life because if they do your world would die because You convince them to not do it with some persuading from their closest family member and the only one they consider family. This doesn't help because they have the same reaction as you except they didn't wake up in three in the morning crying their eyes out praying to God even though you don't even believe in God, you just keep praying and messaging hoping the didn't actually do it. When they don't answer you fear the worst even though you know they didn't kill themselves so you cry yourself to sleep alone and scared. You then find out that their family life is horrible, they are belittled by their parents, yelled at for the tiniest mistakes and, abused by their whole family including their siblings. You promise them that everything is going to be okay that they will be together soon, but you know that their outlook on life is dimming. So you talk to them all the time hoping to make it better, and it sort of does. But their life at home is hell and you know they dread coming home every day for the fear of being hurt. So you promise to never leave their side to stick with them always and love them forever. They hold this promise in their heart unbeknownst to you. So you go about your days celebrating your three month anniversary of dating, and you are so happy that they have stayed with you for this long. You love them with all your heart even though they are terribly scarred, horribly broken, and immensely shattered. But you don't see them for that you see them and wonderful, amazing, and the only thing that matters in your world, and then one day you tell them "I'm proud of your heart, It has been through the worst of things in life. It has suffered so much, but it still works. Wanna know why? Because you love me with all of it and more." Then they just brake down crying because they have waited all their life for someone to tell them they see what they've been going through, and was there through it all comforting them and never leaving them. And you tell them that. You tell them you will never leave them and they say "Okay" and then smile a genuine smile, one they haven't smiled in years. And then you realize that your world is never going to leave you......

Ok, thank you for hearing my rant......If you haven't guessed the "They" and "You" the "They" and "You" are based on me and my Boyfriend. This isn't fake. This actually did happen and if hint didn't hit you in the face I am the "They" and yes my Boyfriend cried because he thought he lost me.

Author-chan out

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