No one's pov

It was a rainy night. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed making everyone in the house jump. "Okay people! This is only for a few days we can stay here until the storm lets up. So until then, nobody goes outside." The people in the cabin all agreed that it wasn't safe to go outside so they didn't. 

"It's a fun training exercise he said! It'll allow you to have more experience he said!! You'll like it he said!!! WELL DID HE ANTICIPATE DEKU GETTING HYPOTHERMIA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Katsuki yelled rage-filled and worrying for his "friend". The whole class knew on the other hand that Katsuki like the green-headed boy as he was only worried for him at the moment, and not paying attention to anyone other than Izuku. The broccoli boy was under so many blankets right now so he could warm up. Todoroki even offered to use his quirk to warm Izuku up but Katsuki immediately yelled no and some vile profanities that could've made the skin peel off demons.

Katsuki wanted to be the sole person to take care of Izuku because he knew him his whole life and knows everything about him, "It's not stalker-like" Katsuki kept telling himself. But in reality, he knew it was a little creepy that he knew everything about him, it was like how Izuku knew everything about All Might except Katsuki kept his journals in his head so no one could see the little mental notes and mental hearts that he knew would make Izuku blush from head to toe. 

When he turned 16 years old he decided he was gonna protect Izuku with all his might and if he had to he would even sell his soul - or what was left of it - to the devil to keep Izuku safe and the only thing that was now standing in his way was half'n'half. He noticed how the Half bastard was always looking at Izuku and those looks lasted more than a few seconds they lasted full-on minutes. And if Katsuki had anything to say about it Todoroki Shoto was never going to be anything like that at all with Izuku, and if Katsuki finally got the courage to grow some balls and ask the little nerd out then his life could be complete.

[Okay so I was just playing around with this so. If yall like it comment and if you want I'll continue it to the best of my ability]

Author-chan OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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