A/N: Hey, some sad shit.

31 1 16

Soooooooooooooooooooo my brother just told me to kill myself.

I'm honestly considering it because I'm just a waste of space and a burden, to everyone around me. It wouldn't affect anyone because I'm just useless and a piece of shit that can't do anything right. It would make the world a better place just by doing it. I'm thinking of ways to go 'cause I'm almost at my breaking point. It hurts so much guys:'(! Why!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN AND BURDEN PEOPLE!!!! I-It doesn't make sense.

Sorry if I've depressed or angered some people I didn't mean to. It wasn't my intention. I'm sorry for existing. 

Edit: I forgot to say he does this on purpose 'cause he knows I'm depressed and shit

Author-chan out

The Stuff bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora