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stop caring so damn much. honestly? he's probably not thinking about you. honestly? they probably don't even want you around. honestly? no one wants to be around a sad person. your swollen eyes and plastic smile aren't fooling anyone. honestly? you can scream off the rooftops that you're happy; it's the conformation that counts. it's a facade, your artificially created lines of positivity and empty words of optimism aren't real. honestly? drinking your problems away is a temporary fix. you're ruining yourself even more. honestly? are you even sure you even want to be happy? the limbo of unwavering sadness and fear are comforting. they're all you know. they're all you know and they're all anyone has ever known you to be. sad and scared. scared to move on scared to get better scared to take the first leap in the right direction. So honestly? are you really ready for it? for the hardships recovery will send you through? are you sure, I mean... honestly?


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