Help is coming

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"Ah, I didn't ask your name yet!"

"It's Y/n."

"Y/n what?"

"Just Y/n, I don't use my last name."

"Okay Y/n, how old are you."

"14 almost 15."

"What high school did you apply to?"

"UA high."

"I honestly hope you get in! Maybe if you get your license you can be my sidekick!"

"That could be nice." I replied.

Hawks smiled.

I summoned the screen and keyboard to look at the time and saw it was 5.48 pm already.

"I suppose I have to go home."

"I'll escort you."

"So I don't try again?" I asked, hinting to the fall.

"Partly. I like your presence."

I nodded and we flew up. Soaring through the sky, I felt free.

I closed my eyes a little bit before opening them to the lights of the small town I lived in.

Without warning I dove down. Hawks quickly followed. I started flying on eye level, avoiding poles, trees and such. I was truly enjoying myself.

"This is fun!" Hawks laughed.

I wouldn't admit it, but I agreed. I smiled a little inside while looking back at him before looking back in front of me.

I landed in front of the gate to my home. My house was the largest here. It was truly a mansion.

" live here?"

I nodded and looked at him sadly.

"I don't want to face them." I whispered.

"Your parents?"

"And my new sibling. They had a new kid soon after I was kidnapped. They replaced me."

"That's awful!"

"Can you save me?"

"What do you-"

"You're a hero right? Heroes should save citizens, right? Please save me."

"I will try my utter best to get you away from here, okay?"



I gave him a hug and it took a while for me to let go.

"It's been a while since I trusted someone."

"Well I'm glad I'm the one you trust."

I nodded and looked at the door, reluctant to open it. I knew on the other side was waiting a beating.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to get hurt." I said, my voice getting stuck in my throat.

"What do you mean?"

"They beat me."

"Is it okay if I go inside with you?"

I nodded. I stayed behind Hawks as he opened the door.

"And where have you been?" My fathers voice sounded from the living room.

"Sorry, I kept him." Hawks replied.

Something fell and shattered. Probably a beer bottle. Father hurried towards us and stopped in his tracks when he saw Hawks.

"O-oh, Hawks."

_•<(Bullied By Your Crush)>•_       Bakugou x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now