A Letter I Wrote To You

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Why did you save my life...again

"Why did you do that again?" Kid asked, wanting to know why on earth did the death surgeon save his life...again. He just needed to know. 

"I didn't actually think the drug would work. Yeah I thought it would but not this effective." Law said to himself thinking back to when he had saved Kid's life in Wano. 

"What did you just say?" Kid asked in an irritated tone.


"Trafalgar! What the hell did you do?"

"I um...uh...god why is this so...HARD?!!" Law said, silently cursing to himself. He reached into the inner pocket of his kimono and pulled out an envelope with the name Eustass  in cursive on the front. "Just read that, will you?!" Law asked Kid as he tossed the letter to the ruby red headed Captain.  Kid just stared at Law with a questioning look in his eyes. 

He continued to stare, and Law could see him out of the corner of his eye. He caught him continuing with, "What?" 

"What is this?" Kid said waving the letter in front of Law. 

"I-...it's a letter." Law said under his breath. Kid could just make out what he said as he turned his gaze to the neatly sealed piece of paper in his hand. He started to open it, with a bit of struggle since he only had one hand of course, and let the paper inside finally be free. He started to unfold it, seeing the beautiful calligraphy on the tinted yellowish paper. The only problem was, the penmanship was too beautiful. Kid couldn't even make out what it said. 

"Um...I...I can't read your handwriting. I'm sorry." 

"Oh...well I guess you won't be able to find out what it says then." Law said, trying to take the paper back. 

"Wait a minute. Why don't you just read it for me. It is your handwriting after all...isn't it?" 

Law just stared at Kid in annoyance. The whole reason why you write a letter is to have the person your writing to read it, so that they don't have to say it to their face! Law just let out a sigh reaching his hand out for the letter. 

"You promise to read every word you wrote, right?" Kid asked Law. It sounded more like a demand than it was a question if Law was being completely honest. He nodded sitting back against the couch getting comfortable. Eustass scooched over towards him a little so he could follow along, interested to see how people are actually able to read this handwriting. Law took a deep breath looking at Eustass hoping he would look back. 


"Hmm?" Kid looked right into Laws silver eyes. He saw worry and slight hint of desperation. Meanwhile Law looked into Kid's golden ones. He saw interest and slight feeling of worry. 

"Yo...You know what I'm about to say is all true...okay? Everything I say here I mean it with all my heart, Kid." 

It took Kid a second to take all that in, but he soon nodded to what Law had told him, listening to the soft voice of the surgeon beside him. 


Omg I keep leaving all these cliffhangers and my chapters are so short😂😬 don't worry I'm almost done with the letter that Law wrote Kid. I want it to be really good and I'm trying to make it sound like Law as best as possible. It's hard cause he isn't the romantic type. ya know? anyway I'll probably have that up later today! 🥰

thank you all so much for your support! 

until next time, 


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