What The Hell?!

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hello fellow KidLaw shippers!
I am so sorry that this chapter is late! I have been sick for quite a while and a top of that I have been very busy. With out further ado, let's get on with the fanfic! 💕🖤

"Damn! This things more powerful than I thought!" Law said to himself. He had thought that taking down the knock off Pacifista would be an easy task. I mean it was a knock off after all.
"Pen, Shachi! Your going to have to take over from here on. I can't let Eustass die!" Law shouted to his crew mates, heading over to the Polar Tang.
"Sure thing captain!" Shachi yelled to him as they tried there best to take down the cyborg.
Laws POV
'Don't worry Kid. I'm on my way.'
aboard the Polar Tang...
"Alrighty! The infirmary is just past this door!" The woman with two curly ponytails said. (I tried my best to make Ikkaku peppy and excited😂💕🖤)
"Thank you!" Heat said, still talking for Killer. The woman smiled and lead them through the heavy medal door, that reveled a huge hallway. It was all gray, shiny medal. The floor was made of blue tile. There were also several doors on each side all the way down the hallway. "All these doors are quarters. Our captain doesn't organize it by level, but by who feels comfortable boarding with who." Heat look around in awe, while Wire showed no emotion as usual, but in his head he loved the idea of the boarding situation. As for Killer, he just looked down as he helped his friends carry their Captain to the infirmary. He was still unsure about this whole situation. I mean the person who had let them on the sub was just giving away information about the crew like it was nothing. What the hell is going on?! Killer thought to himself, continuing his thoughts with, This Trafalgar must want something in return for what he is giving us.
"Here we are!" The woman said, opening the two large doors that lead into the infirmary. It was spacious and held about ten beds, with equipment surrounding each one. The room was rectangular shaped. To your left walking in we're two more huge doors that lead to an advanced care unit. Looking ahead was a row of five beds. There was a wall to the right that also had five beds against it.
"We will be taking him to a more...well...special room." The woman said, giggling after her statement. Heat smiled along and nodded in agreement with her. "Follow me!" The woman said, leading them to the left of the room. There were two huge doors that she opened. Once opened there was a huge operating table and bunch a equipment surrounding it.
"You can lay him on the operating table. I'm sure my captain will be back shortly to operate on him. I'll be back with a change of clothes." She said leaving the room, closing the doors in the process. Killer, Heat and Wire laid their Captain down on the operating table. There were two seats so Heat sat in one while Wire stood, offering his to Killer who was pacing like crazy.
"Kil sit down." Wire said to the blonde.
"No. I'm not sitting down. I'm not resting until I know he is safe."
"Are you still going on about that?"
"Yes Wire, I am STILL going on about it. Just think about this for a second. Our Captain's biggest enemy is offering him HELP?! This is all wrong!"
"But he's a doctor. Isn't it a doctors job to help this in need?" Heat said.
"Yes. But the fact that he is a pirate who loves death, is NOT leaving my mind. I don't trust this guy. As soon as he helps Kid we are leaving and-"
"Alright we need to get started right away!" Said Law suddenly bursting through the doors to help Kid. His hands were wet and held up straight in the air. He had disinfected them before he came in. He went over to the Captain with the woman beside him. "Ikkaku your going to have to take off his pants."
"HEY HEY WAIT A MINUTE HERE!" Killer said yelling at Trafalgar clearly objecting to his actions.
"Oh yes you need to all leave!"
"Are you kidding me?! You barge in here like some big shot and you have the nerve to approach my Captain with out my permission? Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"Trafalgar Law, nice to meet you." Law said with a smirk. "I didn't understand that this would make you uncomfortable...Killer. I'm simply just doing my job as a doctor. If you don't want me to...well...look in places that make you uncom-"
"Okay. I think we are done here. Come on Kil let's go." Wire said lifting him, putting him over his shoulder and simply walking out. You could barley here Heats quiet 'thank you' as Killer was protesting to let him go, while the infirmary doors closed shut.
thank you for reading this chapter!
I am trying my best to get the next one up by Sunday! I can promise that Kid and Law will finally meet💕💕😭😭🤭🤭🥺🥺 I want to thank you all for your support! We have over 100 reads! That's amazing! 💕💕 thank you so much to those of you who continue to read this. It means a lot to me😊💕🖤
Also, the 12 days of Christmas story may be canceled since I really have no idea on how want to write those. If you have ANY ideas for those please let me know by commenting on that story. It should be in my profile page. That would be a huge help! 💕🖤
until next time,
- allthingsonepiece

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