Fixing cars (Destiel, Sabriel)

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Trigger warnings: None

Word count: 2747


"I swear to Chuck, Cassie. You can't keep smashing your car just to see this supposedly hot guy. Soon you'll be broke." Gabriel exclaimed before facepalming. Castiel looked at him sheepishly "Yeah, well I didn't break it this time so I don't see why you're mad."

A few months before, Cas had accidentally hit his car - Gabriel called it the 'Pimpmobile'- against a lamppost. When he brought the car to a repair shop, he found out that there was a really hot mechanic working there. After his car was fixed, Castiel thought he would never see the guy again. 2 weeks later Cas's car broke again. Luckily the hot guy - Dean, as his name tag read - fixed Castiel's car again. While on the way home, Cas decided he had to see Dean again, so he made a plan: he would just break his car again so he could keep seeing Dean. It quickly became very expensive but it was worth it to Cas. He would also make trips to the repair shop for friends and family, claiming that he had time anyway and they could use his car until theirs was fixed.

Since last week Cas's car made some weird noise so it was time for another trip to the garage. "Just ask him out already, then you can stop doing this because it's really getting out of hand." Gabriel said. "I am aware, Gabriel. But how am I supposed to do that? My 'people skills' are 'rusty', also he is probably straight so he's not interested in me like that." Castiel replied, getting frustrated with Gabriel.

"Ugh okay then, but I'm not lending you any money when you run out okay? Now go off and let your boyfriend fix that damn car."

Cas almost ran out of the apartment.

When he arrived at the repair shop Bobby, the boss, walked over to him laughing. "Castiel, are you here again? At this point it'd be cheaper to buy a new car."

A guy behind Bobby snickers and Castiel cocks his head in confusion. "Hi, I'm Sam." The (very tall, might I add) guy quickly introduces himself when he sees that Cas heard him.

"Well, I think Dean has nothing to do at the moment so he can help you." Bobby says with a smirk.

Castiel drives his car into the garage and gets out. He almost trips over his own feet at the sight of Dean. It was almost summer and it was already very hot so Dean had tied the upper body of his overall around his waist and his white (at this point almost transparent) t-shirt was sticking to his body. It also didn't help that Dean just wiped the sweat off his forehead, thus showing his amazing biceps. Well, let's just say Cas barely managed to not drool.

"You just can't stay away, can you?" Dean said and Castiel blushed, almost forgetting to reply. "Uh, yeah, my car broke. Again." he stuttered. Dean chuckled before asking what was wrong with the car. After Castiel explained the situation, Dean popped the hood and got to work. It wouldn't take long so he said that Cas could wait there if he wanted, to this Cas immediately said yes. He'd just read a book on the bench that stood against the wall.

Dean looked under the hood of the car for a while before he got on one of those sliding thingies and got under the car, which was on a platform so it was higher than normal. He was under there a while before rolling back out. "Aren't you really hot?"

Cas looked up in confusion, a dark blush on his cheeks. "I mean, you're wearing a suit and a trench coat in the summer. Isn't that really hot? I'd be sweating my ass off wearing that." Dean chuckled.

"I'm used to wearing this so it doesn't bother me, I don't get hot very fast, also I don't sweat under any circumstances." Cas replied, ignoring the fact that Dean was making him feel very hot right now.

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