"Don't believe him! He just came up to me and put me over his shoulders. He began to carry me over to his car! He was definitely donna do something shady!" I felt bad throwing Adam under the bus, but lies were best told with truths sprinkled in. There was no way I wanted to spend another minute near Brett, even if it meant insinuating a kidnapping.

 After about ten more minutes of this bantering, Adam got sick of it and left, thankfully bringing Brett and the others with him. As he turned to do so, he yelled over his shoulder, "Jess, you better text me when you get home, don't go getting run over or some dumb shit." 

Once they'd gotten in their car and drove off, I thanked the bulky football player as I jumped out of his truck. Readjusting my backpack, I started my journey home. I thought about how much I wanted my bed and my Black Veil Brides playing in the background to just drown out all the tom foolery of the day. I couldn't believe Adam was friends with that obnoxious turd.

As soon as I got to my street, I could tell that I was being watched. I turned to look back up the street. No one. I looked over at Andy and Adam's house and saw Andy looking out the window of his room. As soon as he saw me looking, he dashed out of sight.

I shrugged and began to walk a little faster, hoping he wasn't headed for me. When I was at the end of my driveway, I heard Andy's front door open and then slam close. He was running across the wet asphalt over to me. I quickly grabbed my keys and opened the door, I did not need this confrontation right now. 

Right before I shut it, Andy put his foot in the doorway. "I've had a really shitty day, so, What?" I growled irritated.

"I just-"  He moved his foot out of the doorway so I slammed it closed. Then, being the paranoid person that I am, I double locked the door. I knew he wouldn't enter even if it was unlocked, not without permission. But something  about doing that just felt necessary in the moment. This was more shit than I could possibly handle. If one more event happened besides eating and sleeping, I was going to go freaking berserk. 

I walked up the stairs to my room and sat on my bed for a moment, decompressing.  My phone buzzed and I saw Mar Mar's name light up. I held it up to my ear as I answered the call "Did you check Facebook?"

Thrown off guard, I reply, "Wow, No hello? No, I-" She cut me off. "Do it! Now!" I couldn't tell if she was excited or horrified, or maybe a mix.  "Okay, okay, Jeez." I opened up my laptop and logged into Facebook. "Okay, I'm there. Now what?"

"Go to the school's website and look what was posted by one of the cheerleaders. Then read everything below it. Hurry before the school notices and deletes it all!" She then hung up on me. I stared at my phone for a quick minute before putting it down. I shook my head as I did what I was told. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at what the girl had posted. It was a video of me and Brett insulting each other, from Math class. I read the comments and almost fell off of my bed.

'Lol. And that's not all. She is also the girl who refused to be Andy's gf earlier that day. How embarrassing for him.'

One said. Another as a reply to this one said,

'I heard Brett saw her and Andy kissing at Warped Tour and doing... other things too. Whatever Warped Tour is...' 

I knew this whole situation was getting out of hand! There was no way Andy or Adam hadn't seen this.  I read on though, wanting to see the other lies they had posted. It's crazy how overexaggerated everything becomes when teenagers are involved. 

'Omg! I heard that too! I was there and I can confirm it. Plus, he pushed her down a flight of stairs and then called her a stupid hoe!'

Ok, that one sort of made me smile.  I kept reading, pausing to laugh or take pictures when I found good ones. 

'Brett, I'm afraid you have met your match! Prepare to be out-dissed!'

'Lmfao! Mr. Ginger-bread head! That's a pure genius! Where do you come up with this stuff?'

'Me and my friends have decided to start referring to him as that.'

'Finally! Someone is standing up to that prick!'

The one that made me smile the most was the one posted by the football player from earlier:

'He tried to attack her in the parking lot after school, too. I heard it was because he finally ran out of things to make fun of her for.'

The comments that followed were pretty dang funny too. 

'Omg! Is she okay? I should get my Dad's pistol and shoot that dude!'

'Ya she's ok. I beat the four guys up pretty good too!'

'Omg u r sooo brave!'

I laughed at all of the praise this guy was getting. He seemed so disinclined to help me at first, yet here he is bragging about it now that It's a hot topic.  There were also a few comments saying:

'Team Jessi'

I turned off my computer and plugged my phone into my charger and crawled into bed. That little giggle session was just what I needed. I felt the exhaustion set in, and decided to just take a small nap.  Just as I was beginning to drift off, my phone buzzed. I saw it was Andy and denied the call. I turned my phone off and laid my head back down to sleep. 


(9.4.21) edits made: Scene plays out differently between the football player. everything else is just grammar, spelling, and elaborating. 

(3.02.23) I've made appropriate changes to this chapter. Please be kind to the changes, I wrote this when I was 14 and have matured in my thinking since then and am trying to reflect that in my writing and the things my characters say. 

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