Lime - Spideypool

Start from the beginning

"Ah. Yeah, that's fine! Just be careful and-wait, why are you wearing your suit? Are you going to a crime scene? A robbery? What have you seen on the news Pete?" "Nothing!" He quickly replied, staring at me innocently. "I just want to swing around the city! And besides, if something does happen I'll be prepared for it...I'll be more safe in my suit!" I gave him a sigh before nodding, looking down at Loki who had been very quiet. "What do you think Lokes?"

"Peter, be safe and be careful. Call me or Tony if you need us, alright?" He told him sternly, a hint of care in his tone. Peter dropped from the ceiling and put on his mask, walking towards the window and waving goodbye. "Sure thing Father!" Before he ran and jumped out the window, I managed to yell a 'be careful!' until he disappeared from our sight. Facing Loki once more, I gave him a peck on his cheek. "Did you say that to get rid of him so we could carry on?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, making Loki furrow his. "How dare you presume such things? I wanted him to have a break from studying so we could carry on..."

Chuckling, I began to kiss him with a smile on my face.

[Peter's POV]

I've seen plenty of unsettling things in my life, but seeing my dads get intimate on the couch was now at the top of my list. A smile spread across my face however, when I realised how well I managed to lie to them without slipping up. The real reason to why I wanted to head out was to meet someone, my partner, my secret partner at that. I did feel slightly guilty, but I shook the feeling off while I swung from building to building, jumping from roof to roof and leaping off the walls of banks and apartments. It felt nice to get some fresh air, and I definitely wasn't going to waste this sunny day sat in my room studying.

Spotting a red figure sat on the edge of one of the buildings ahead of me, I slowed down my swinging and landed carefully on the roof, looking up and walking to him. "Hey Wade!" I yelled, lifting up my hand to give a wave when his head quickly turned to me. "Sweetheart!" Was the reply I got, along with a sudden run towards me and a hug while he picked me up, spinning me around. "My little spider-boy managed to come out!" He placed me down, smiling wide through his mask when he heard me laugh. "Yep, I managed to put on a convincing performance this time..." I chuckled nervously and rubbed my neck.

Last time we tried to meet it didn't go too well, leaving us both disappointed and making me feel like it was all my fault. I still felt bad about it too. "Petey," Deadpool spoke up. "You still feel bad about last time? Don't be silly, you're too much of a cutie to get mad at anyway!" I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. "How did you know I still felt bad about-" "-the writer writes about how you feel, super handy for me." He interrupted. I didn't have time to ask what he was talking about, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side of the roof access stairs, sitting down and leaning against them.

I took a seat next to him, relaxing and listening to the sounds of the city. "Wait." Wade began, sitting forward and frowning. "What do you call your parents if they're both your dads? Do you call them Dad 1 and Dad 2? Or what about Dad and Daddy?" I laughed and turned to face him, shaking my head. "I call Mr Stark 'Dad', and I call Loki 'Father', he likes the old fashioned sounding name, I think." I laughed softly and turned back to look at the view, continuing to make conversation. "I wouldn't ever call my dad 'Daddy', not when that's probably what they call each other..." I cringed and made myself shiver, Wade letting out a hard chuckle and lean closer towards me.

"Would you ever call me Daddy, Petey~?"

My eyes shot open wide, I was relieved that my mask covered the blush that had just spread across my cheeks. "W-Wade! You can't just say things like that!" I stuttered, my reaction making the merc with a mouth let out a long hard laugh. "Your face!" He pretended to wipe tears from his eyes before patting my head. "Oh...that was priceless, sweetums." I crossed my arms and looked off, pouting from the embarrassment. I uncrossed my arms when I heard Wade shuffle about before kneeling in front of me, turning my head to face him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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