Chapter 10

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Thor opened his eyes but regretted it. The blinding light hurt his eyes. He looked around him, but found nothing. He got up from where he slept and noticed two figures in the distance.  He grabbed his shirt, and put it on. He walked over to them, hoping to find out where he was.

"Hey, where am I?"

"Valhalla, you came in two weeks ago."

"How long was I out?"

"11 days."

Thor started to run towards the crowd. He saw Odin and Frigga talking.

"Mom, Dad, what happened to me?"

"You came to join us, it has been a long time."

"I need to get out of here."

"No one leaves this place."

"I need to leave now!"

Thor ran to the giant garden, and saw the edge of Valhalla. He jumped into the freezing water, swimming away from everyone.


Carol saw Tony sleeping in the chair, and crept out into the kitchen. Korg and Meek were still playing Fortnite. She grabbed an apple and retreated back to her room. Tony was awake, and smiled at her.

"You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, I always seem to do that."

Carol sat in the bed, and ate the apple. Tony looked at his phone, looking at photos of him and Peter. Carol grabbed her pager, and messaged Fury.

"Did Fury give you that?"

"No. I gave him one."

"That is cool."

Carol looked back at the pager, and saw that Fury had messaged her back.

Where are you?

New Asgard. With Tony.

Goose wants to see you.

Carol shut the pager off and set it on the dresser. She was bored, and a little paranoid. Tony had left the room, and it was silent.


The water was freezing, but Thor didn't care that much. His love for Carol outweighed his body's temperature. As he swam, the water started to move. He looked below him and saw a giant Jormungandr. It started coming towards him. Within seconds it opened its mouth, attempting to swallow Thor.

He summoned Stormbreaker and sliced it head off. He made it to the edge of Valhalla, and stopped. He could see the universe and Valhalla at the same time. He swung his axe, and flew off the land. He could see a mix of reds and blues. The silence of the universe calmed him. As he traveled through star systems, and distant nebulae, He saw the remnants of Asgard. The entire planet was drifting in pieces. He traveled to Hala, the home planet of the Kree. He headed to the home of Yon Rogg. He knocked on the door, waiting for a few seconds.

"Carol? Is that you?"

"No, this is Thor Odinson, prince of Asgard. I am a friend of Carol's."

Yon Rogg opened the door, finding a concerned Thor sitting there. He welcomed him in, shutting the door quickly. Thor sat down on one of the chairs, and looked around. Yon Rogg sat across from him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you actually."


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