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the bell rang and everyone made their way over to their classes.

zion's arm wrapped around ryan's shoulder, which made her feel short of breath and nervous for some reason.

i mean at this point it was obvious that they were a thing, and everyone knew. but in this moment she felt normal.

she hadn't even been here that long and she felt like this was the place she could stay in forever. her thoughts of going to college in LA were unthinkable.

"ryan noel anderson to the main office, ryan noel anderson to the main office" the prude voice repeated through the intercom.

ryan gave zion a confused look. he gave her a hug and continued his walk to class, as ryan turned around to walk the other direction.

"excuse me, i'm ryan" she smiled to the lady who sat behind the desk.

"take a seat, principal brown will be out for you in a second" her voice rang.

principal? why was the principal wanting to talk to her?

she could hear a pattern of tears coming from inside the office. stupid teenagers and their uncontrollable emotions.

the door opened and mr.brown stood in all his fun sucking glory.

"ryan noel anderson" he called.

"you can just call me ryan"

his stern face ignored her as he simply nodded for her to follow him into the office.

she took a seat in the only empty chair that was left in his office.

in the other chair filled the body of little miss drama queen.

now things were making sense, and ryan couldn't wait to find out what nonsense arielle had made up.

"ryan it has come to my attention that you have been participating in acts of bullying towards arielle" mr.brown began.

"bullshit" ryan laughed aloud thinking it was some sort of joke.

"excuse me?" he asked.

"it's absurd! since the moment i got here, she's been tormenting me and picking on me, but i'm the one bullying her?"

"i've been nothing but nice to you, i even gave you advice" arielle said softly between sniffs

"yeah and when i didn't do what you wanted you started acting like a bitch"

"ladies we will not continue these acts of aggression. that isn't even the issue at hand, the issue is the vandalized locker filled with profanities" mr.brown tried to regulate.

"locker?" ryan questioned

"yes my locker stupid, you wrote all over it i know you did! no one else would be so cruel"

"if i was gonna be cruel i'd write on your face not your locker" ryan rolled her eyes.

"ryan settle down. arielle you may go back to classes"

arielle rose her her chair and gave ryan a smug smile before grabbing her bag and leaving the room.

"you realize i have no option but to suspend you correct?" mr.brown said.

"i didn't do it! you have to believe me" ryan begged.

"it's hard for me to believe that, arielle has always been an exceptional student at our school and you just got here therefore it's hard for me to judge your character"

"so you're playing favorites?" she asked.

"look, you're a smart girl. you already have all of the necessary credits to earn a high school diploma. we can file for graduation and you'll be done to move on"

"this is bullshit" ryan scoffed.


"her parents must give this school tons of money if you're not even going to fact check her lies" she kicked her feet up on his desk.

i mean at this point there wasn't much worse that she could get for this.

"her family has contributed a lot to this community, but i treat all my students equally"

"yeah right, you should be ashamed of yourself honestly"  ryan called him out.

mr.brown remained silent. he probably wanted to continue shouting at her.

"so i guess this means no formal on saturday?" she asked.

his head nodded.

great, just when things were getting good.

a knock broke the conversation. when it opened, both mr. and mrs. anderson stood with a disappointed look on their face.

"mom, dad i didn't do it i promise" ryan pleaded.

"baby we know" her mom smiled.

"this suspension is bullshit" her dad yelled loudly.

"mr.anderson, like i told your daughter, you must stop your profanities in my office"

"i will use the language i choose for the appropriate occasion. if you took even one look at those pictures that were sent to my wife and i, you'd be smart enough to realize that my daughter had no part in it"

"i don't see the want of even having ryan in school anymore, she's had her credits to graduate for over a year. she could have began her college life already" mr.brown tried to justify his case.

"her entire life has been a roller coaster, like most military families, therefore the life we choose for our daughter is to remain as normal as possible. not that we should have to explain ourselves" her mom jumped in.

"at this point, the papers have been transmitted and i cannot turn it around" mr.brown groaned.

after about 10 more minutes of her dad yelling at him, mr.brown walked the family out of his office, handing ryan her diploma of completion.

the last bell had rang and the school was crowded with children once again.

"ry! wait up" zion yelled.

she tried to pretend she didn't hear him, but he still caught up to her.

"yo ryan, what happened?" he asked.

"arielle lied and got me suspended or at this point expelled since i'm not coming back and i also can't attend formal"

"what the fuck?"

"yeah, so if you'll excuse me, my parents and i have to figure out what i'm supposed to do right now" her voice croaked.

"wait let me fix this"

"zion you can't fix this, i already got my diploma. mr.brown filed my papers. let's face it arielle won" tears began to fall from her eyes.

she was never one to show emotion, but the fear of loosing zion was different.

bro shit got sad

anyways y'all really came
thru so 7 likes and i'll
update tmr again 🥰

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